haha. i'm thinking. their face recognition technology... not very accurate... no specs + diff angle = different person.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
when we're students... we find out that (omg?) our teachers know our blog address... and visit fairly regularly (teachers have nothing better to do? or perhaps lots of things better to do and a disinclination to do those things....)
we - being students - have nothing better to do (homework doesn't count) than to start searching the web for (lol.) our teachers' blogs.
so now. i'm midway between student and teacher...
-the internet's a scary place... journals are safer. ha-
well... back on fri night actually... but too stoned to blog
i brought back: 2 pairs of jeans 2 long sleeved shirts 1 collared tee some other garments lol. a head filled with about 3-4 movie storylines (including pursuit of happiness yay.) 3 sticks of chewing gum my aunt's email address (i can only remember the work one tho. arg) 2 kilos more i think (grrr) and.... *drumroll* a bug.
rawr. *sniffle* heh.
(my cousins are growing up soooo fast! aiyoh... soon the eldest will be trying to take care of me!)
you're left, not with your loneliness... but with the knowledge that Jesus loves you =)
my ears are still sorta... cottonwoolish from the LOUD music... heh... much fun =)
some trivial things to say...
MOE scholars.. met them today... and found out... that they're mostly pple i already know - lol. smartypants.
did a medical test today for the insurance my dad's buying... lol... doc was testing whether my back affected my movement - "can you raise your leg?" - "uh... yeah... to 180 deg if you want..." lol.
it feels almost akin to church camp... this anticipation...
therefore - must have expectations =)
1. to be refreshed, to fall in love with You again 2. to be prepped for the journey i'm about to take with You 3. to get to know at least 2 new people taking that step into the kingdom of God - to love them =) 4. for the people i'm bringing who are christian to have a completely fresh, spanking new revelation of the goodness of God - and for them to fall in love with You again 5. to PARTEH in Your presence - cos You make it possible - and just have FUN 6. whatever else i missed Lord you just heap it on me. I WANT =D
-take a small step into the wilderness, and guide the wandering souls back into the land flowing with milk and honey-
(more like a leap... i think... You make this possible)
i saw this in my mind's eye during server's meeting yesterday
and as i was seeing that, there was such a love just embracing me... my Daddy going 'do not be afraid my child, I am here, I am here, watching you take your first step, here to catch you if you fall. I let go because I love you and want you to grow - reach for the prize.'
comfort? muchly so. the past couple of weeks have been insane... waiting for replies from applications/ making crazy decisions/ rushing around handing in forms/ going out with people
i'm terrified/ awed/ drowing in anticipation of what is to come. totally.
i've been going around saying... God opened that door to MOE... so i'm gonna step in, take courage, and He'll prosper me. but at night i've been just... (not really terrified, but i cant think of anything to describe it) ... it's like i'm a little child - taking my very first step, for the first time not having something to hold on to, not having someone hold my hand... and i'm afraid to fall.
everytime i talk to God, there's such approval, encouragement, love, His joy in my existence. i guess it has been ingrained in me that these things are hard to come by, not to mention easy to lose (the parents. heh. or perhaps just my perception warping what vibes i get from them) => and there we get that fear of falling. (okay i'm getting sidetracked...)
somewhen then.. i realised/ remembered something about my walk with God
what is it about being born again? why do we even call it 'being born again'... being made new? i grew up a christian... but i only accepted Christ formally around sec 2... when He stopped being that God i worship... and became my personal savior - where i had a reason to worship.
you're born again. you're made new in the spirit man... but you're still broken inside, there's still all that flesh to die to
just a babe.. newborn, God picks you up and cradles you lovingly against His chest, healing the brokenness, the bitterness, till you're whole.
and He feeds you, gives you strength as you grow up in the Word, in good teaching, as you become more and more assured of His love for you, more assured of Your standing with Him.
then He teaches you to move out of your dark corner of despair, to crawl toward the light, toward Him, no matter the circumstances... you learn to seek Him
then He takes you by the hand and teaches you to stand... equips you with dreams with gifts
He holds your hands as He leads you in the path He has planned for you... clears the way 'with His back (walking backwards)' face close to yours, encouraging you. 'comeon my child, you can do this' and when you take that step towards Him, He rejoices with you/ for you
then He teaches you to go further, to stand firm even when you feel alone. to take that step in the direction He's indicating... and to realise (eventually perhaps) that He hasn't left your side at all. He's just allowing you to walk by the spirit - in Him, instead of Him leading/ pulling you along by the hand... and He's just as ready as before to catch you if you fall.
i needed that reminder. (this is as far as i've come... we shall see what happens next... i bet we repeat the growing process, in the various areas of our life that we surrender to Him)
what a disjointed post... that's what you get from a lack of sleep and an attempt to post an experience instead of an event
female toilet cubicle door @ Jurong East Entertainment Centre wonder how the thief managed to do... whatever it was
can't really read this last one - no it isnt a road on the shuttle bus from Great World to Tangs "EMERGENCY EXIT BREAK ASS TO OPEN" rather painful i assume.
jeanine's gonnnee... =(... another 2-3 more years before we can meet in person... unless she flies over to London to visit me lol.
i'm at odds as to what to write here... lots of things swimming around my head... i guess the photo uploading and 'days with jeanine' commentary shall have to wait till she sends me the photos on her cam.
how strange that you forget how much you miss a person till you see them... hm...
amazing then. that God thinks of you all the time
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. ~Psalms 139:17-18
i love that whole chapter actually... cos it's about destiny =) go read it! and let the Spirit imprint it on your heart.
. . .
imagine... a master toymaker - very skilled, very kind. and he has ideas galore. each toy he makes is completely unique... no two of the toys he makes are the same. he takes very long to make these unique toys... paying attention to details, imagining the joy on the faces of the children playing with the toy. each one specially crafted, polished to perfection - with a purpose: to love and be loved.
these toys don't know they're unique... they run away and get broken, treated badly, hurt. finally they're drawn back to the toymaker's house... with no purpose of life, with a knowing that this was not the life they were made for
the toymaker welcomes them, takes them in, repairs them, heals their spirit. and he loves them too much to just solve their problems - he re-crafts them, makes them better than before. restoration. then against all sense, he sets them free again - this time to live the life that he has planned. they stray away, come back broken and he restores them each time - loving them too much to force them to stay, thinking about them all the time
enter the toys: you and me - take a bow enter the toymaker: God
i'm glad i'm not God... i'd just throw the broken toys away
monday: 1. go to walton to drop dad off 2. go to office (do work.. prep stuff) 2. go to walton to pick dad off up 3. go to nbyn to pick up passport photos 4. go back to office to grab stuff dad wants 5. go to nus to submit the form (as insurance..) 6. go back to office to prepare tuesday's stuff
tuesday: 1. go to yio chu kang to take final theory test 2. go to eunos... ubi... to register for driving practial test 3. go to kembangan to take train to jurong east 4. jurong east: ice skating with jeanine and hwei =) and lunch with cg ppl (yeow clement eph... hwei already mentioned lol) 5. rush to newton for ballet 6. go home... stop at station to get cake
wednesday: 1. breakfast with many people... jeanine! =) 2. go to office to work... do thu stuff as well 3. go to... dhoby ghaut? to have dinner with andrea =) 4. go home dig up all the medical reports and fill in the required forms
thursday: 1. 9.30am meeting with dad and insurance agent to sign for some policy 2. go to office to work 3. 2.00pm thereabouts... go to shenton way for the medical checkup for scholarship (omg pray my period doesn't come or i have to delay it 2-3 weeks) 4. go back to office to work if it ends early-ish
friday: 1. go to work and nothing else... perhaps send jeanine off at airport =P wah... 3 years wait... and 2 weeks visit... of which i see her... 3 times =(
saturday: 1. sleep in =D 2. go for lunch with vid ppl (?) 3. Arrow service! 2 pm onwards 4. dinner
sunday: 1. driving 2. shopping with mom & lunch (probably) 3. church service =) 4. dinner 5. more shopping? or go home...
but yeah. life. glad i'm alive. (although this rushing ard singapore is kinda crazy) travelled all the mrt lines today! okay except the CCK LRT...