-.-" but i got it anyway to try and share.. ohwell.
i finally put my finger on that... quality that guys i really like hanging out with have...
which incidentally is a quality i think all guys should cultivate.
the instinct to protect.
i say instinct... cos well. i think God put it in... Adam had dominion. he wasn't a wuss... and i don't believe it was ever a case of continual 'eve... help....' - there are very clear gender roles in the bible regarding the family (i think i'm stepping on a lot of toes by saying this man.)
but where is that spirit now? buried under lies of 'gender equality?' (i know i know, not politically correct at all... but tt's just me)
... where's that instinct to jump in and be the hero? [and who better to be a hero to than a damsel in distress. haha] don't all little boys dream of being a superhero? where has that instinct gone?
created in every girl i think... is a knowledge of that... which girl doesn't want a knight in shining armour? i'm probably... one of the more guy-ish girls you'd get (melvin says i'm as low maintenance as it gets. lol.)... i do actually like doing stuff myself - but i appreciate it when guys offer... or when they step in and help... or give way for something or another. even more so in the spiritual sense... to step in and take authority over the situation... to pray against/ pray for...
I shall not die, but live,
And declare the works of the LORD.
~Psalm 118:17
it's been ringing in my spirit this week...
and it's different this time. in the past, i'd bold 'shall not die'... you know... the resolution to stand my ground.. to survive the situations that hit.
this week though... i'd bold 'live' and 'declare'.
to live... to have life... to breathe life... to bring life.
not merely to exist.
and living through His rest... i declare His existence and all that He has done for me.
ah yes. finally i get round to today's thought.
so. talking about home and of things left behind.
i was saying... that the only thing i've left behind are people.
my room as i know it is gone.
my stuff cleared out so my parents can use my room as an office.
most of my stuff is here in london anyway.
church as i know it has changed. leaders, ministry, cg... etc.
people have changed. (perhaps earlier i should have said 'relationships' left behind instead of 'people')
interesting that it's so easy to pack up and call some other place home.
home's the here and now...
home's where the heart is.
and my heart's with Jesus.
and He never changes.
and i've 9am class tmr... and a rather packed week... more later!
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