when almost everyone else in UCL finished last week -.-")
so i'm blogging to procrastinate =). blogging therapy... i will start mugging after lunch. i will. yes. i will. haha. i just spent 5+ pounds on 10 pieces of chocolate... 50p/ $1.50 a tiny piece. chocolate retail therapy! haha. and i shall spend tmr (hopefully) blissfully watching my OCF group eat them =D i love making ppl happy. hehe.
okay so here's a blogpost about super random london things
the eye...
this was in surrey actually - talk about a useless signpost
like the bench says - that's what this post is about
the rice ball agrees!
this was joyce's dinner dabaoed for OCF, lovingly made by yafen haha.
Mugging MADness & Mugging Buddy:
ice-cream!! and this photo commemorates the first day we could wear berms again... it was 14 deg i believe =)
methinks macs needs quality control - but for now i'll just keep going to marble arch
i was bored... and found blu-tack
no the pic is not upside down - spiderpig vs spidersnail. FIGHT!
(they're sticking to the bottom of a shelf)
defined by the jackets
so while waiting for dinner one day we swapped. lol.
(N/B: i'm trying for his 'emo fringe' look... and he's trying for the puppydog eyes)

(they're sticking to the bottom of a shelf)

(N/B: i'm trying for his 'emo fringe' look... and he's trying for the puppydog eyes)

KT youth has their 'service' in a pub. how cool is that?
an 'invite your friends' thing
the park's super happening now...
i was curious about the pink tentage
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," ~Hebrews 12:1 LOL.

ONE DAY MORE!!... run run run...
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