-nua-ed in the hostel reception
-cooked ourselves on the red beach
-walked around town and got some pretty souvenirs... i blew about 20 euros cos of this figurine made of nuts and bolts (ah geek.)
-ate alot for dinner (mama's house... the food was fantastic... and the portions huge... and amazingly affordable)
-had gelato (and li-en had a scoop of dark chocolate... which resulted in my post title - her answer to 'so what are you guys doing tomorrow' => 'mykonos... GAYGAYGAY!')
this was in stavros' guestbook... -.-"
li-en + me + li-en = oreo arms
the red beach. to quote some ang mohs 'it looks better from up here than down there'

incredible town signage
i wish sg had such character...
greek coffee is actually from brazil -.-"

in mykonos itself...
i had the most embarrassing moment ever.
we reached the port... then got fetched to the hostel which was at paradise beach itself. and there we discovered that the hostel was nothing like what we expected. thank GOD we decided to stay for one night instead of the two nights we booked *phew*
so. the embarrassing moment: there was a beach... and there was a rock 'island' a couple of meters away from the beach that you could swim to (too deep to walk). so we swam to island and climbed up and walked along it... amidst various squishy things and barnacles... there i fought with a rock and lost... got sliced by some edge and then to top it off i stepped on some barnacle on the exact spot of the slice and it poked a hole in my foot. hurrah. in an inconvenient place too... so i couldn't walk even if i swam back to the beach -- gordon had to piggyback me to our stuff urk. got the lifeguard and everything... taped up the cut and hopped back to the shack. too much attention i say... too much
oh. then it was pretty hilarious taking a shower... thank God i'm flexible...cos it was narrow and i had to prop my leg up against the wall so the bandage wouldn't get too wet. *think standing splits for stretching* then we went off to the town for dinner where i managed to procure some good waterproof plasters to survive
the ferry from santorini to gaygaygay!
OBS shack hostel
OBS hostel toilet
with no hot water... and a shower overhead tt was like a sprinkler
hostel grounds: a totally different experience man
too-enthu-wannabe-mr-universe-snorklers (mr universe cos the 6 have merged to 1)
the gals... conservative and clothed while half the beach people were nude (like that woman in the background)
my cut... 2 inches on the ball of the foot. talk about inconvenient.
united nations/ mr universe
cool pasta chef in town... was making somth like ravioli
not many pretty photos unfortunately =P
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