we took a boat tour this time, got chaotar on a tour of the islands, climbed a dormant sea volcano (70 deg celsius), swam to the hot springs... swam in the hot springs (haha we had to jump off the boat and swim in open sea... cool huh) and watched an amazing sunset.
flowers growing on volcanos...
and the sunset - man... we simply take for granted that we'll see the sun everyday - and i think that if i lived in santorini i'd take for granted the beautiful sunset everyday... but this is creation - God's creation, and every bit of it is amazing and for us to enjoy
let the pictures do the talking
huuge chillies in the supermarket
jun-liang fruit juice advertisement
our tourist ferry
'crocodile' island
winding paths on the sea volcano
flowers growing on the volcano! amazing.
an attempt to show off the muscles
and God divided the waters from the waters - and God called the firmament heaven
'london' in greece
we climbed many many stairs to avoid sitting on poop machines (aka donkeys)
but that meant i could get amazing photos
'city on a hill'
the person who painted this had amazing colour sense
i like the ship - if only i had a telephoto lens
the sunset begins

i love the character of the place
too much exposure - but it makes for a nice magazine shot
sunset on the city
halfway setting sun
junli's sunglasses and a lot of squinting made for this photo =)
more squinting
i think the photo doesn't do it justice
and when the sun was set... everyone clapped (for the creation instead of the creator. how sad)
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