4am bleary eyed and sleepy and running on adrenaline we took the bus to the train to gatwick airport to the plane to athens and made a temperature transition from 8deg to 30deg. in athens we got lost, asked various people who couldn't speak english where we could find a bag deposit, walked in the sun from one underground station to another, found the lockers eventually, stuffed the bags in... and got the locker key stuck in the door.
two guys shoving at the door trying to keep it closed... and one trying to get the key out. and nothing worked... but we were saved! praise God... by the station guy who shoved the locker and got it to close properly. greek strength ehe. [this was godsend #02 actually... the first one was li-en actually making it to the train cos she didn't wake up -.-]
the underground actually has archeological exhibits for the stuff they found while digging the tunnels
red light district??
how to make a japanese flag with tissue paper: travel to a hot country and have a nosebleed
i love this photo... it's like some primary school oral thing
i can do chin-ups better than you on a support bar of the ferry!
anyway... we reached santorini safely at around 1230am where the hostel owner packed 17 of us into a van (i think it was a 10 seater) with luggage sitting on top of us and drove us up the cliff from the port to the hostel *wow*. there weren't rooms together so gordon chrissie and i got carted off to a neighbouring hostel (probably owned by the same guy) whereupon the hostel lady, gordon and i each killed a cockroach in the room in the span of 30 min. hurrah. oh and the toilet door smelled like dead fish everytime we moved it. thank God we got a room in the main building the next day!
5th june
woke up... changed rooms... and signed on for a bus tour of the city: museum... architecture... and quite a lot of walking
arms before tanning
'nippled ewers' the sign said
house photo... apparently there are more churches than houses... and the bells represent the holy spirit 0_o
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