Monday, December 31, 2007
at the end
and new beginnings it has been, from restoration last year to the new me and growth in God this year.
it's been slightly over a year since i started blogging, and somehow it's become simpler to talk about the inane to people i don't know... as always, 31 december is the time to read back on past journal entries and reflect and ask God and expect the blessings for the next year. only this time on this blog... it's gonna be public for people to see.
i've grown... much more than i thought this year
from thoughts of 9/2/07
revelations of God's love... 10/3/07
revelations of myself in Christ 12/4/07
and the turning point where i was free to share 18/4/07
growing from a dependence on church services 14/5/07 to learning to seek Him on my own, moments of His presence, on the bus/ in class/ in my room
revelations of growth 13/6/07... and learning to learn to trust in Him and begin to walk in it
the uni/ scholarhip application process, the pain/ stress etc.
the decision to come to london..
learning to hold on to dreams, to hold on to pomises even when all the applications went wrong...
16/8/07 - catching a glimpse of what faith really is
then facing a completely new world in london
new friends... new relationships - thank God for you all.
then what just happened not long ago in dec where i lost sight of God's provision and began to worry about my decisions, my work... seeking assurance and finding none... wondering how come my dreams, my hopes were not being realised... why i didn't seem to have anyone to really talk to... stuck in my mind with the same movie playing over and over.
and then where i am now...
looking back with a new realisation of what it really means to trust in God... what it means to say 'the joy of the Lord is my strength', getting strength from the knowledge that Daddy God delights in me and wants to spend time with me - not focusing on the circumstances.
and a new appreciation of being cared for - hope and appreciation for the parents as i realise the difference in security when i'm with them
life is a sinusoidal curve really...
with child-like vision... and ultimate trust in God...
come the moments where i capture that
life is awe-inspiring. every word, every image, every person is just such a blessing from God.
and when i lose that
the darker moments where my thoughts are like headless chickens running around my head
will be a year of blessings, of favour.
a year of greater revelation of Jesus.
i choose to believe that i will impact lives, not just be a passing friend
i choose to believe that He guides my every step
i choose to believe that He holds my future
i choose to rest.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
i'm baaaack!
and probably in other ways as well.
photos from switzerland... didn't get to tour much cos it was christmas and we had all sorts of family dinners and such to go for. but fabulous food cooked by my 6th grandaunt (i put on 1.5 kg 0.o) and just hanging out with the parents... playing with snow... ice-skating with cousins (and my granduncle who is 78 and skates waaay better than me)
chocolate football 0.o
granduncle and the real live christmas tree!
table decor in my aunt's house
the base is bark picked up from the forest... believe it or not 3 little ducklings i once knew... fat ones skinny ones just like you =)
the river of zürich at night
their graveyards are super neat...
christmas tree with real candles!
homemade christmas cookies!
einsiedeln (the benedictine einsiedeln abbey), snow, and my 6th grandaunt
more snow shot from a car window
and my mom was so fascinated by snow... that she prayed for it to snow in zürich. and it did when it wasn't supposed to!!
didn't get to go skiing in the end... but it was fun nonetheless. and i brought back 1kg of chocolate i think =S
because of inertia to do work and boxing day sales
i went shopping and got:
a long coat - the halfway formal kind 29.90 instead of 49.90
a handbag (look i've graduated from bagpacks!... not quite) - 10 instead of 20
a fleece jacket - 9.99 instead of 24.99
my Daddy God is a 'more than enough' and the 'more all that we can ask or think' God =)
now i've got a 50% linguistics exam to study for, a lab report, 5% german test, notes to make... oof. in 10 days =S.
but i give it to You... You're Big BIG BIGGER and can do so much more. no use worrying =)
and as for all the other things, thank You that even if i get myself into trouble by my mistakes/ impertinence, even as i don't know what i'm blundering into, Lord You protect me from harm and make me bigger than the situation.
Monday, December 17, 2007
amazing creatures they are...
their concerns they talked to me about... were surprisingly... the same as mine... astute observations indeed. i applaud.
perhaps that just shows that i've become more mature and think along the same wavelength as grownups... hmmm.
i don't give them enough credit i think. -parents lor. never understand me one.- (ah. here i can be as ungrammatical as i like.) you'd say that after a tiff... but take away the anger/ bitterness/ irritation/ ignorance... and you find in these two people a wealth of experiences - memories of pain & wisdom... and a heart that wishes to shelter you from it. (annoying though that is... esp with overprotective parents like mine.)
maybe it's london... hehe. and i'm being treated like a grownup =)
so we've been whizzing around london these 3 days. sort of. tube-ing everywhere on a 3-day pass... i must say we made the most out of it. lol.
watched 'the woman in black' just now. fantastic! two chairs, a trunk, a coat rack, two guys... and a lady playing a ghost... who managed to captivate the audience for two whole hours... gosh. (okay lar... their lighting design was pro... hidden rooms and all that... a door that blended into the wall unless the light was shining on it... backlight on a split black.. props behind that...) nothing flashy like what you'd get at a musical... but awesome. very subtle hints... use of shadows... got the audience screaming along... haha. worth the money man.
tmr shall be the brit museum... school and shopping - and then frantic packing to go to switzerland. gah the holiday's disappearing so fast!! and i haven't done the notes i wanted to do... too tired after the touring =P
Friday, December 14, 2007
let's see... spirits
then i realised (probably the holy spirit prompting lol.) suddenly... that money has been kinda governing my life in london.
let's not go out - very expensive
when treating people - omg... i can't believe i paid that much
when buying things for others - hmmm. lets see... 5 pounds will do...
but. is not my Daddy God my provider?
what is this spirit of poverty...
generosity is out of the fullness of the spirit - God has given me so much, so much is my portion as His heir... He is my provider, no matter what the circumstances say... and then you're able to spend, to give =)
[of course... don't be spendthrift as well la.]
i dunno which church to sow into still... so i haven't been tithing... but it will come =)
and who in the world have i been this term... going into lectures/ seminar group and being a mouse...
or simply talking to people and being serious... un-high, silent... un-me (or being the old me... as it were)
spirit of inferiority?
not good enough to be seen/ heard... not cool enough to be noticed...
malu la... no one will accept me if i'm siao.
or simply because i don't fit into the culture... i'll drink... have fun... but no i'm not going to go out clubbing/ partying (cos i'm too guai lol. and i don't enjoy it)... and therefore do not make as many friends, or have crazy stories to talk about... or have random topics of discussion.
but i've got God on my side...
isn't that more than enough support to be me?
hmm... i seem to have forgotten that.
life. this is it. =)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Is all that I long for
To worship You Jesus
Is my sole desire
For this very heart
You have shaped for Your pleasure
Purposed to lift Your Name higher
Here in surrender (because i cannot make it)
In pure adoration
I enter Your courts
With an offering of praise
I am Your servant
Come to bring You glory
As is fit for the work of Your hands
Now unto the Lamb
Who sits on the throne
Be glory and honour and praise
All of creation resounds with the song
Worship and praise Him
The Lord of lords
Spirit now living
And dwelling within me
Keep my eyes fixed (this is my prayer)
Ever on Jesus' face
Let not the things of this world
Ever sway me (unfortunately(?) that includes you. us..)
I'll run 'til I finish the race
let's see... what was that again...? keep my eyes fixed ever on Jesus' face.
how true. first, receive... make whole this broken vessel... fill it with oil.. take of His anointing.
and out of the overflow. give.
i hope i'm not just a novelty. not just an excuse to prove to yourself who you are
cos it won't work if that is true. and i'd like it to. but in the end it doesnt matter... cos my security is in Daddy God.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
so i went back to sleep.
then i woke up at 830... and realised... that i have German class at 9am
i panicked... dressed... freaked out... was almost ready to go... picked up my phone
and found a text from my German teacher saying that she couldn't come in for class today.
and collapsed on the bed laughing and crying at the same time.. (check it out. charity's hysterical) lol.
look my child, all things work for good. I got you 1 more hour's sleep... and you're in time for breakfast!
[i was torn between smacking the holy spirit (well i couldn't do it even if i wanted to) and being amazed by God's provision. lol.]
i'm holding on... love this song =)
Monday, December 10, 2007
somthing you don't really want to know
[ok that was just stupid hehe.]
i'm back to normal... sort of. i don't think problems have been resolved... but at least on my part i've resolved to lean on Him. not flailing around anymore. but that doesn't mean the pain has gone away...
bah. relationships are complicated... i so agree with Paul:
But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am (haha. ie. single.); but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
~1 Corinthians 7:8-9
you know what they say on library books: take good care of me, i am only a book.
i say: take care not to break me, i am only human.
i'm reminded of somth someone said once... we humans look for sources of error.
if you're not wrong... then i'm wrong... and i don't want to believe that - so i'm angry/ bitter/ whatever
or with my kind of personality you'd get guilt - maybe i've done something wrong... i probably have...
but neither work... and neither help in any situation.
God i trust in You to resolve it. i choose to believe that You are the author and finisher of all things. if there is something wrong, Lord You do a work, correct me, transform me from the inside out... or if it isn't me, Lord shed light on the situation - be the transformation.
and let it go.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
christmas outreach
to sing (after so long)... to be a vessel... to show the love of God
and i can't even master up the will to get myself out of bed. pathetic.
did you know ... you're the only one in london who can completely break me?
and that's why i'm so afraid to let you completely in...
cos a bit of me is still looking at you and not Christ
and that bit is just empty... lost... and breaking the rest of me
i know you can't fulfill me. but still.
stop it. baka. stop being depressed.
charity can't talk about being small and alone in london... can't talk about the bloody rain... can't talk about expectations.. can't be withdrawn for a moment cos this ang moh world will sweep by and consume her.
charity has so many friends on FIRE for God.. so many who are so pure and sufficient... out there and doing things... and charity cannot match up... she wants someone to point her to Christ... wants (no. needs.) a fresh revelation of the love of God
charity wants a hug. wants an arm around a shoulder... wants an 'it's okay... i understand' instead of a 'why don't you do this instead'...
but charity is afraid of rejection. and doesn't dare take that step.
and charity is rather afraid of herself... cos she, when broken, is able to do some rather destructive things.
but charity is a new creation is she not?
and charity is loved by Jesus.
so charity will be fine.
but at the back of my mind it goes on and on and on... 'you see... you're at it again... how lousy... call yourself a child of God.' and again... 'it's your own fault for letting someone in' and again... 'hah. so much for reigning in life'
Friday, December 07, 2007
and thank you... heiman and jem =)
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
i actually bought today's message =P
man... that guy has a BIG BIG revelation of Jesus.
spiritual high... whee!
but. *growl* i don't want it to be that way.
bloody difficult to be my friend rite? i'm there a moment... and then i'm gone... you can't find me, and i won't let you in... how to develop any good friendships like that... [that silent almost invisible person in class... pathetic.]
dumdumdum. time to stop all this outward activity and receive... get back to myself again... stop looking back.
hmm. the courage to put my heart out there for the world to see. man. i need a revelation.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
poor kiwi...
poor thing.
-well. no wonder they're almost extinct.-
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
work work work...
blogging as a break. hoho.
i've been holed up in my room gosh. and will probably be for the rest of the week =S
so i had an essay due (26/11) and spent that tue to sat working on it...
then came the the lab report and presentation due (3/12)...
so i spent sat to today working on the lab report (hopefully i'll finish soon)...
then i'll do the presentation tonight and tomorow...
then there's the essay due (5/12)..
which i'll start tomorow - hopefully - and finish by 5/12...
then i just got word that the linguistics coursework will be put up on 5/12 due (10/12)...
talk about the feeling that work is never-ending.
then there's the christmas outreach and choir rehearsals scattered throughout that... and the event itself 8/12 [if you're in london and reading this, come support me! lol. there'll be free food!]
but holidays are coming! hurrah=D i just have to get through these two weeks. [and not think about the two exams i'll have on the same day in the 1st week of term 2. lol.]
i've been thinking... since christmas is coming and people are going back to s'pore... of missing home.
missing food (sambal sting-ray =P)... easily remedied
missing people... well just have to settle for msn - anyhow even in sg. you won't see people that often
missing church... pastor's sermons, the whole going to church thing... serving
missing caregroup... friends, insanity, the like.
and i realised. that when i go back to s'pore... the last 3 things i've been missing... would be memories of the past. people would have changed... (busier? hanging out would be different... new news... esp since we're all doing different things now). church... would have grown bigger - arrow ministry has split, revolutionary things have been happening... people would have grown... with various developments of things i wasn't there to see. caregroup... well. almost everyone has moved into uni caregroups and dispersed... and i don't know the j1s...
talk about a reminder to live in the present -
just how familiar is the familiar?
or perhaps it's a figment of my imagination - a false memory of what things are and will be
hmmm. over here we're stuck with the idea of 'going back to all that was'... when really. we're 'going back to all that is'... and it's gonna be different.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
ungodly hour.
so cool rite =P it makes me happy... even with a grumpy stomach =)
Monday, November 26, 2007
small pleasures
finally being able to finish a table of values for 30 outputs of: mean, significant differences, t-test values, probability [now for the rest of the lab report...]
finishing my 2nd essay and sending it in
finishing my german notes during lecture (after putting it off for almost a month)
sunny skies! (and a *relatively* warm room)
getting my psyc textbook in the mail (dunno if i chose the right one cos the lecturers never seem to quote it. but i can highlight!! finally! and stop wondering if the book will be koped in the lib =P)
singing... in ocf choir/ with random piano and friends. gosh. it's been so long (i think my voice has changed... amazing...)
having people open doors/ hold doors open for you =P
being alive.
talking to you =)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"oh... wednesday was quite warm... about 10 deg... not bad."
and i went out to the supermarket in berms slippers and a coat just now to buy snacks for a birthday party. hmmm. 7 deg...
[and i'm swamped with work over here... everything - lab report, essay, presentation - is due 3/11 it seems, aside from the essay i just finished which is due on monday] ='((
Thursday, November 22, 2007
momentary happiness
totally amusing, somewhat useless.
and i practically didn't agree with everything. probably because happiness was the result of what we do think feel etc. but i don't believe people are happy in and of ourselves. hmmm.
but. in terms of material happiness - some amazing stuff:
linguistics coursework worth 25% of final module grade ... i got 78%
first essay in ... i got 72%
first lab report in ... i got 66%
not-so-momentary happiness... word of the day: Deuteronomy
you must be thinking... omg old testament... the law... and that chapter... the whole chapter on how the Lord will curse you if you break the law 0_0 eep.
but this gives me hope -
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),
~Galatians 3:13
The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart. And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.
~Deuteronomy 28:27-29
-no skin disease shall come near me (no cold rash! no cracking from dryness etc.!), nor madness, nor confusion (and i have been feeling rather insane. i actually sat for 30 min unable to do anything cos too many things were vying for my attention... thought my mind would snap or something... and all this love business is confusing. rather.) oppression has no power over me, for Jesus is my saviour-
i receive it. i believe it. i refuse to accept this fragility... this emptiness... this insanity.
[although for the life of me i really don't feel it =S]
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
i was buying a 2.85 sandwich.
i paid 10 pounds
i was given 12.15 as change
thing is. just before that i was thinking 'aiyah. must save money, buy the cheaper sandwich'. and the money came in. heh.
and today... was sunny and warm...
thank You God... You made my day =)
Monday, November 19, 2007
the speaker was more of a teacher than a pastor: camp theme 'Assured?' so he was speaking about the tabernacle and the symbolism - and how we may now draw near to God... and i realised later how people hadn't heard this before, how some people haven't been assured of their salvation... amazing then. that we have been so steeped in the word and anointing that we haven't realised it all these years.
i've also just realised... how weary i've been... and how i've been so busy that i didn't realise it. just the awareness that i need a ministry... i really need to sit down and receive and feed... just feed on the word of God.
listening to the bit of worship on pastor benjamin's blog - the link that heiman put in my tagboard... i just wonder at what God is doing back home in Arrow... how awesome it must have been to just be there. and at the same time... where is my portion here Lord? my soul thirsts, there's nothing left to offer... and there's a different kind of depression here, or perhaps its desperation... in seeing the sun disappear around 3pm. (and having it rain the whole day and knowing it'll rain the whole week =S)
and i'm just running away again... building walls of ice that shouldn't be there... so you won't see the exhaustion, the brokenness, the pain, the need for assurance of love that is lurking behind them. i'm sorry. especially to you... i wonder if you can accept this.
slept a grand total of 1 1/2 hours in the retreat... the first 1 hr was just a sad case... the 2nd 1/2 hr was nice cos we were up all night worshipping till 6am =)
so i got back yday around 6, had dinner with joseph and shihao... came back and gave leftovers to the people watching 1 litre of tears (without meee =( )... went to check mail and stuff but ended up nodding off around 830 so i gave up.
set the alarm for 730am cos i figured that would be enough sleep.
apparently not.
i woke up at 850 to disgusting weather and got the breakfast wake up call... decided not to go for breakfast to get ready to go to skool. but. i just sat there and stoned at the comp till 920 (then decided to see the slides for the lectures today and wondered whether i shouldnt go to skool at all)... then got a call from xinyi - are you going to school?- and decided not to.
sat there for another hour or so stoning... wondering whether i could do some work... went back to bed and fell asleep till now. gosh.
Friday, November 16, 2007
such excitement... anticipation... awe at what God is doing in my life
i am leading a group. and i have no clue what i'm supposed to do.
but i know..
that God's gonna work mightily
there will be ministering... people's lives will be transformed
and i have a part to play.
so exciting!!! and so unexpected. i was ambivalent to the OCF retreat at first cos i thought 'well it's something organised by students... no ministry... i guess it'll just be one of those camps.' how wrong. it's impossible. simply impossible - i realised - for God to be in the house... and for lives to remain and not be transformed.
i expect my portion from this camp, though it be student run, with a pastor i have never heard of, though it be people from different denominations who would argue over the nitty-gritty in the word, though it be my first time serving in an official leadership position...
i expect, Lord, that your glory fill the place and the anointing flow as the word goes forth
i expect refreshing, a renewing of the mind, fresh revelation of Your love.
i expect healing, lives to be ministered to, hope brought forth, direction.
i expect to encounter You. Daddy God. not just the still small voice but the strong rushing tangible presence.
be so REAL Daddy God.
and it's so awesome. i know. i know that i know - that this is the turning point... and it's just a few hours away!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
sticky toffee trip #05
i love the way you can eat food off the tables (the floor even... if no one has walked around there)... and open a bag of chips and leave them there without them going soft in London.
day 4 in lake district:
our itinerary for the day
-wake up 0630, get ready, have breakfast, catch 0732 bus to Ambleside
-reach Ambleside at 0745, find the place and take a walk around the falls
-1130 catch bus from Ambleside to Windermere to get our bagpacks
-1145 catch bus from Windermere to Keswick
-reach Keswick ~1230 tour: castlerigg stone circle, walk around the lake, browse shops
-1700 catch bus from Keswick to Penrith
-1800 arrive at Penrith, have a good dinner
-1920 take the train back to London
cos the buses appear once every
catching the first bus we met a super nice bus conductor... who helped us save money! i thought we'd take tickets for each ride, but our last ride to penrith would cost 9 pounds... the cost of a day pass! (yay favour!)
the falls (or fells... as they said in edinburgh) were pretty! i went climbing off the track and down the waterfall to take a picture... hehe.. but in the picture you can't really tell that we actually had to climb... except that the waterfall was right next to us =P... tried to continue climbing down but realised that there was no way back up on the other side... and no way to go all the way down either. bah.
tried crossing the stream a little ways down from the waterfall using the stones... hehe. got a 'i can't reach the other side!!!' picture of us (me xinyi meifang) in the middle. so i was testing this possible rock... it was slanted at a 45 deg angle, water was actually rushing over it but we couldn't tell how deep it was till i put my foot in... into the cold cold cold water =S *brrr*. we found our way across eventually =). stayed on the other side trying to skip stones. which exasperated disong so much that he decided to get off the bridge and cross the stream using the stones to teach us =P
on the way back to the other side (cos there was no way to get back to the path from where we were) i stepped *again* on a treacherous rock =(( first my left foot slipped... then i got a hold with the left but in doing so my right slipped... at one point i think both my legs were in the water somewhere past the height of my shoe. bleh. COLD. getting wet is no joke at 5 deg =S. haha that got weichao off the bridge and down to try pull me out cos i was in this super unglam position... spreadeagled on a rock cos my shoes kept losing grip =P. when we were all safely across i took off my shoes... could actually pour the water out and wring my socks 0_0... (and those were aasics shoes... gosh). then we went back down to the town. and we were early! 945... too late to catch the 930 bus and too early for 1030... so guess what we did....
we went in search of lunch! heehee. got nice toasted sandwiches from a takeout place =P
went to ambleside.. fell asleep on the bus lol. where xinyi said she couldn't really sleep cos she was afraid that disong would drool on her (gross.) and realised we didnt have enough time to do long hikes after asking the people at the tourist centre. so we just found the laundrette to dump our bags and walked to the lake (albeit slowly.). passed a park on the way with green green grass... and super flat spongy ground... and couldnt resist doing strange things on it! haha. then there was a wishing well charity thing... and we were all such failures in spinning the coin down =P only disong managed it. weichao's one actually jumped and fell in without touching the sides (i think he has too much of a basketball touch)
reached the lake... tried to lure the ducks with potatochips and failed heh. then realised the time and practically ran back to catch the 1445 bus up to castlerigg... in the process playing stupid games [around the world in eighty days... johnny whoosh... open close... how many meh meh jumped over the wall... you know the like] where xinyi and weichao got so annoyed that they created one and made us guess LOL.
castlerigg was... well... a stone circle. some crest of some hill with stones that were left many years ago by someone forming a circle... boring much. not to mention cold =P so after a few photos we left for the walk back. (me telling my life testimony to weichao on the way) with a cramping right foot cos all the water was happily evaporating and leaving it (both feet actually) frozen. heh. grabbed our bags and caught the bus to Penrith. On schedule! wonder of wonders. after dilly-dallying all the time for the last 3 days! we all fell asleep on this bus. again. but thank God woke up just in time to have the bus pull away from the stop we were supposed to get off at (and thank God for lovely bus drivers who don't mind stopping away from busstops)
last meal in lake district... (we hadn't had our fill of sticky toffee pudding yet) so we walked to the town centre, bags and all, in search of a nice restaurant. found a fish and chips place with a super friendly owner (i think he was owner waiter and cook at the same time or somth) mmmm. great food... and for dessert Sticky Toffee Pudding. joy! haha. walked back to the train station and found the other group people in an indian restaurant waiting for takeout. said hi and passed by (cos they had a car and we didnt =S) on to the station where we stopped at macs to warm up and use the restroom >.< heh.
i was hoping by then to get a direct train back... but our tickets showed that we'd have to change twice =S reaching London at 1240am. so i thought aiyah live with it. but staring at the trains showing i realised that i didnt know how the train changes worked... asked weichao who asked the stationmaster... and praise God! he changed our tickets and put us on the delayed direct train to London... which came about 5 min after we asked him! - a crazy ride back to London - with us doing a 'i'm a little teapot' song with actions and ethan videoing =S... xinyi getting slapped by wenyuan (accidentally.)... story telling and picture viewing - and reached London Euston one hour ahead of the time we would have reached on the other train!
and there concludes the adventures of the sticky toffee gang on their sticky toffee trip.
where i spent 180 pounds... excluding the amount that disong paid to book stuff =P worth it though. good food!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
sticky toffee trip #04
didn't print my notes for my linguistics lecture... so ran to the psyc building where i discovered i didnt have my UCL id... (but i managed to get in)
then i discovered that there were no notes to print... and so ran for lecture.
at the other UCL building... i had to beg the reception people to let me in =(... and got told off for being an idiot and not bringing id and expecting to get in...
then at the lecture we went through the coursework (worth 25%)... and i discovered that i probably did okay but not as well as i would have wanted [more or less missed the point for the last question]
then ran back to the psyc building for a statistics test... worth 50% of the final module grade.
and that's just the work bits. i'm clinging on to 'this is the day the Lord has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it' by my fingernails. bah. the alarm bells are ringing in my head... i got
anyhow... better finish posting about the trip before retreat... or else there'll be too much to talk about =P. so.
day 3 in lake district.
caught the train... disong was sharing one of his relationship stories so us various kaypoh people who caught a bit on the first night but i wasn't listening =P plugged in and reading the bible... so he said he'd tell me the story later lol.
so we passed rolling hills... and green pastures... and sheep... and sheep... and sheep.
and verses with sheep popped into my mind:
The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
~Psalms 23:1-3
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.
~John 10:11
What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.
~Matthew 18:12-13
and the sheep were so cute and fluffy... and unconcerned... and comfortable... and God wants us walking in that kind of rest. wow.
we took the train to oxenholme to change to windermere... and and... scare of the day. i dropped my train ticket (but thank God i found it =P) so we reached windermere safely and found our hostel which was 5 min walk from the train station yay =).
the hostel was so cool! they operate on trust, the doors have no locks at all... except the front door - which is only locked in the evening... there's no reception so you go in, find the right room, stay in it and then put your money in an envelope and chuck it into a safe they have in the common room. it was really pretty and homely... (pictures are on fbook) imagine the amount of money the owners save on labour... just have cleaners to make the beds and clean up in the mornings... and come down themselves to clear the safe once a week. funky =).
before tt we decided to go on a hike somewhere and have a picnic... so we raided Booths for sandwich making things... ham, bread, cheese, strawberries, cherry tomatoes... and found Sticky Toffee... a cake thing... haha! we climed to the top of Orrest Head to see the view (it was raining then =S but disong and i prayed for the rain to stop... so i expected God to do somthing.) somewhere around the middle of the walk the rain stopped! and it had been pouring just a while ago! the walk was so pretty... autumn paths... and undisturbed cos we were there so early. at the top of the hill we controlled ourselves and ate the main course first - sandwiches - but everyone was eyeing the dessert hehehe. it was super cold while we were eating... nothing to block the wind up there. but the sun came out - like those inspirational postcards... shining through the clouds on the lake. meifang called it a 'holy moment'. so awesome. and i caught a still small voice 'this was made for you' with a smile on the inside of me.
i shall repeat disong's classic phrase 幸福的条件 (which first appeared at the first sticky toffee pudding) mmmm. hanging out with cool people and beautiful scenery... handmade sandwiches with love and Sticky Toffee *yumyum*... fantastic.
we went back down the hill around 2pm and back to the hostel. we were so tired tt everyone sat down and conked out =P finally dragged our butts out of the nice warm hostel close to 4pm to see whether we could get a boat tour or go boating or canoeing. but it was too late - and getting dark so the tourist centre suggested we just take a walk to the lake instead. and so we did. the scenery was really awesome! more leaf covered paths with overhanging branches...
we went back when it started getting darker... coming to 5pm... it was pitch black by 6pm... and walked into a toyshop and bought fireworks! [all these deprived singaporean kids... never set off fireworks before...] then the stomach called... so we went to lazy daisy's ... which had fantastic roast and lamb shank *mmmmm* AAAND.... *drumroll* Sticky Toffee Pudding for dessert. hahaha we were that insane about it. went searching for a field to set fireworks off in (and did)... haha and took videos of us setting them off [can't blame us i guess... deprived childhoods] before trooping back to the hostel (i think it was probably about 5 deg?) to plan for the next day cos we didnt cover much.
planned this amazing-race-ish thing for the next day... but disong's statement gave us a goal. even if we couldn't manage to cover all we planned - we had to have our last round of sticky toffee pudding - lol. we even did a cheer! 1... 2... 3... STICKY TOFFEE... WHOOSH!
thinking we could dabao lunch from Booths... grab a sandwich or something we ran out in 2 layers (after we had been freezing in 3 layers the whole day) at 8 plus... ran to Booths... and discovered it was closed!!! the locals must have thought we were mad haha. in slippers no less 0_0. haha. went back, showered and met up with the other group to exchange stories... stoned for a while cos we were tired - tried to do a bit of a 1000 piece puzzle but failed =P and just fell asleep hehe. 'eeeww gross dammit!' was heard many times that day... disong drooling on xinyi's ipod wires. gosh. (on the train and earlier in the afternoon nap as well... -_-"")
hehe by this time i spent... about 150 pounds in total... mostly on food. wow.
Monday, November 12, 2007
And even though I’m walkin’ through
The valley of the shadow
I will hold tight to the hand of Him
Whose love will comfort me
When all hope is gone
And I’ve been wounded in the battle
He is all the strength that I will ever need
He will carry me
my heart is aching... can't pinpoint the source. am i real?
sticky toffee pudding #03
to make myself happier... more sticky toffee goodness...
day 2 in edinburgh -
we woke up relatively early since we had to check out by 10 and went for the 1020am Mary Kings' Close tour. it was cool and dungeon-ish. i can't imagine having to stay in that kind of space... can't imagine the living conditions. the close is currently under the main street since they simply built the cities over it... and apparently the buildings were so high that the people at the bottom got no light (which would be the conditions we were walking around in. omg.) the street/ pavement we were walking on was inclined at a 45 deg angle or so... and people in that day would empty waste on the streets twice a day for it to slide down that road... to the river. EEW. the guide was really cool throughout the tour... playing one of the characters that lived at that time... with the Scottish burr and all =D
last day in Edinburgh... so we ended up rushing around alot. walked really quickly to parliment where we split up into the people who wanted to go to the university to take a look and the people who weren't particularly interested (that would be me). walked around parliment... wasn't particularly interested by it. lol. but but but. the gallery for viewing parliment in session... is not blocked off... and has no soundproof glass!!!! gosh. so if you hated your sectional minister you could just bring in a tomato and throw it at him... and all the cameras there would capture it =S
next was the palace tour... holyrood palace... the grounds and the rooms were so pretty!!! and an audio tour came with it too... can you imagine being the king or queen... with shiny table silverware... wow. we kinda rushed through the bits we could rush cos everyone was hungry (and disong got us all craving for sticky toffee pudding) =P then went off in search of food. had bangers and mash (sausages and mash potatoes) in a cafe/bar [we wanted to eat at the more famous world's end cafe but we couldn't wait that long] before happily trooping back to the place we were at yesterday to get Sticky Toffee Pudding!! *yum* we wanted to get two for 4 people so we could eat more each... but they were out of pudding and we could only share one... it disappeared awfully fast thanks to disong.
rushed like crazy to get back to the hostel to get our bags and make it to the train station for the train [it was just like the amazing race lol. carry bagpack and run... then jump into cab]
terribly embarrassing thing i did... i ducked to get into the cab... and i forgot that bagpacks can't duck... so with my forward momentum i smashed the top of my bag into the roof of the car, couldn't get my balance to step backwards and crashed to the floor of the cab *cringe*. got nice beeg bruises on my shin for that. but we all got to the train station safely... and waited for the train to come.
DRAMA. when the train came... like 5 min before boarding, yenn weii looked at the train tix and noticed that they were 04 december 2007 (i saw tt and i actually didnt realise anything was wrong) 0_o so we rushed to ticket office, couldnt get it changed, ran back to the train to see if we could get on... just to see it pull away. (talk about panic man.) well. so everyone plodded back to the ticket office to discuss whether to take the later train.
in the end we got cheaper tickets in the morning... since if we took the later train we wouldn't be able to catch the connecting bus to the hostel we booked. tickets to penrith and windermere in lake district (cos our group was splitting then). coordinated with poor jason and elvina who took the coach down direct to meet us there... only to get a call saying tt we weren't coming =P managed to find a hostel right smack in the tourist street (and cheaper than the one we were at for the first night too!) so we went there to replan our time in lake district... since we lost a night cos of the mistake.
the hostel this time was cleaner! it probably was cheaper cos it was a 10 bunk room... and we had a roommate from australia who was travelling around for 2 months! (poor roommate man... 8 of us making much noise...) so dumped bags... planned and went out for dinner. we met the other scotland group (spending 5 days in edinburgh) on the way to dinner... small world lol. and tried *again* to eat at the world's end cafe... but the wait was 20 min or more... and in 20 min the cook would go home... so we might not get food at all. =S randomly went into a pub... and it had fantastic food *mmmmm* and live music... and Sticky Toffee Pudding for dessert!! hurrah =P
went back and tried to sleep early... (the showers at this hostel were nice... which is alot to say for a hostel)... didnt quite manage to sleep early lol. cos the guys started a mimic the girls thing and we all ended up trying to mimic one another... [xinyi's is: eeew gross! dammit!, meif is: whaaaaat? or where got?] and got up at 5am to catch our 620am train = big sleep deprivation ... spent another 50 odd quid =S.
oops i should probably go to sleep now.
i was reading back on past blog entries... and it feels like my entries are getting shallower and shallower... bah.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
in Your hands
sticky toffee goodness (reading week trip stories and more!) to come... when i'm freer
i spent the last few days panicking about my lab report and coursework (worth 25% of final grade) due on monday... but last night i just *finally* gave it to God... let the grade be His... let the time be His [there's a story behind this too...] and now i'm here blogging instead of doing my work. oops.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
sticky toffee pudding #02
then took a very very very very slow walk down the touristy road... the royal mile. much picture taking (with random statues no less.) and browsing souvenir shops. we only got about halfway down the road by lunchtime. popped into a Scottish pub for lunch. shared haddock and chips and beef stew with xinyi and meifang *yum* the haddock was the best fish and chips i've ever eaten! the beef stew came with haggis stuffing gravy... and the haggis that other people ordered was super yummy too. [tummy happy = happy!] we wanted dessert to share so i ordered the 3 more interesting things on the menu (a traditional Scottish thing... berries cream and whiskey, sticky toffee pudding!! and apple crumble) everything was good... but we all fell in love with the sticky toffee pudding *mmmm. heavenly*
next stop was Mary King's Close trying to get tickets to the night tour but they were sold out =S so we settled for a different ghost tour. the sky was getting dark by then and the Edinburgh Castle closed at 5pm (only about 3pm then) so we walked back to the castle and toured it till about 530pm. twas... really pretty... and the historical significance of the castle and battles fought over it was really cool. bought fascinating souvenirs from there: a catapult pencil sharpener that can actually catapult, a Scottish bagpipe guy bookmark (diy) and a bagpipe charm. - my wallet really felt the pinch man.
dinner! =P we walked all the way back down the road to the halfway point again to 'wannaburger' cos ds said 'iwannaburger!' but were put off by the price. so we went to a fish and chips shop... but it only had outdoor dining (brrr. cold.) so me, ds, weichao, meif went to get subway instead (cos we could stand inside XD) and pangsei-ed the rest =P. bought hot chocolate/ coffee from starbucks *yum* then walked back to the hostel [gosh we walked up and down the same street 3 times already] to check in. 8 bunks in a room, rather cramped, the bed and duvet were gross (my duvet had grass and mud on it =S they gave us a clean sheet to spread so we wouldn't touch the dirty bits... but still. eew.) the toilets were nice at least.
hung around in the room for a while... got to see something i didn't want to see. omg. wenyuan in his long john bottoms. eeew. it was like ballet tights... only his legs were simply chunky and gross... not to mention he took off his jeans in front of everyone (hilarious. we couldn't stop laughing at him for the rest of the night) then we (everyone but yenn weii and weichao who didn't want to be scared) were off for the ghost tour 'City of the Dead'. took a bus back to the same road, hung around for the tour where the guide was a really really fantastic storyteller. it was a 'scare yourself silly' kind of tour... she told stories of the feelings and stuff... and we all filed into a mausoleum where it was nearly pitch black and she told stories... feeling changes in temperature, women feeling horny etc. there wasn't any real presence though... but 2 people fainted (a man and a girl wow.) and someone hyperventilated 0_o but it was kinda fun hehe. poking around a cemetery at night with only moonlight.
took a very uneventful cab back and went to sleep... after sharing the events of the tour and laughing at random things heehee. wenyuan. (unintentionally eavesdropped on ds emoing to the bao-bao brothers... got woken up by his voice lol.) woke up at 7am to shower... -end of first day-
spent about 65 quid. gosh (don't convert don't convert!!)
sticky toffee pudding #01
1st night - well the start of the journey anyway
left london for edinburgh by coach on friday night ~2230hrs... we actually thought we were there 30 min early but then realised we were at the wrong coach terminal and had to walk a little more to the right one =P. coach ride... was a coach ride... bumpy & un-sleep-able. what was interesting about it was me falling asleep in the first hour and waking up to di song, wei chao and wenyuan sharing life stories on the ride (the 'bao-bao brothers'). and in trying to listen in openly... everyone sensed the 'gossipy air' (wenyuan's fault actually) and tried to listen in too. lol. we ended up talking about religion and christianity. [of the coach ride ppl only di song and i are christian] it was interesting. i mainly shut up and listened to them dispute christianity on the basis that it's borne of faith. one day i shall have a good God-inspired argument to refute that, amen.
somehow managed to fall asleep at some point... and woke up to green pastures and a sunrise. it was exactly what you would see in paintings or those unreal photos of red yellow orange purple skies streaked with thin clouds... and rolling mountains. beautiful.
after a few false starts (stops rather) we reached the edinburgh bus terminus safely. took a slow walk to the hostel we would be staying the night at... with much phototaking and shivering (it must have been 4 deg or lower i think.) along the way =P
more details tmr... must pack and sleep =P but it was fun.. and i really saw God's hand in a lot of things =)... some really unexpected setbacks in planning, but all things work for good.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
i have just spent... the last 3 hours of my life climbing up and down ladders, bolting and chaining (impossibly grimy) lights to the rigging... =D [not quite a normal girl's idea of fun. but there you go.] oh. and the garage (mini theatre that school plays are held in) has an effects system and a pseudo DJ cd player... and i spent dinner fooling around with them!
of course... my hall mates have all disappeared off to go clubbing... whatever. i just got to rig lights! [and now try to finish my essay pfft]
i have known you for... 6 weeks now. and boy have things changed... i never would have dreamed this... and i'm scared... terrified actually... but you know that. hmmm. sit back and see what God says/ does...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
thoughts in the shower
have you ever wondered what defines an adult?
did someone decide that 21 (at least in our present culture) was a nice number and people would be mature by then ... call them 'adult'... give them responsibilities?
are these people we call adults... really 'adult'?
or perhaps... they're just children like us (okay i guess i'm not quite a 'child' anymore... ) struggling... just like us to stay afloat in this scary world.
and parents...
perhaps they were once broken children... who came together and found each other... and ended up living their lives for you their child.
perhaps they still are those broken children who have never stopped feeling alone.
i wonder.
my mom's from this dysfunctional family where the dad got a mistress, mom never forgave dad raised the family by herself (damn poor)... now is suspicious and thinks all men are evil but thinks that her son is better than her daughter still... oh. and doesn't ever listen to what you say
my dad's from this dysfunctional family where the dad put so much pressure on them that his sister killed herself (i never really realised the significance of calling my aunt '2nd aunt' in cantonese)... where they grew up feeling completely worthless and inept.
and they formed our dysfunctional family...
somehow i suspect every family has a story like that... (at least where God isn't involved)
talk about falling short of God's will. too bad man is imperfect
(fairytales do NOT come true)
we need God man...
[cherie wants a hug... =( give cherie a hug! cherie will love you for it XD]
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
is going for a party (traffic stopping... my first time clubbing... must say i don't think much of it though there's a high and it is admittedly fun)... then supper at 1am... and getting back at 2am... watching anime to 3am... and going for 9am lectures on wednesday
is having a movie marathon on wednesday afternoon, going trampolining and coming back for another movie at 11pm with lessons on thursday that last from 10am-5pm
as you can tell i have given up on studying till friday...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
and my heart is back with all the people in singapore.
miss you guys.
for that matter...
miss being able to be irresponsible
miss just randomly going into shops to eat (knowing that they're affordable)
miss heidi's huggles (and andrea and izzy and hwei...)
miss being able to hold an insane conversation with people without the insinuations (sooo many things have some connotation or another... and they're witty! cannot talk to them when i'm not fully awake =S)
miss having a ministry... church service with a long full sermon...
i don't miss food though... lol.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
indecision + grace
we're reading/studying the book of hebrews for OCF... hebrews chapter 1... but i got stuck around the first few verses cos they're just too awesome:
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
~Hebrews 1:1-4
what right do i have... to have a saviour intercede for me... God's Son Himself came to my level and 'by Himself purged (my) sins' doing a complete work to clense me of all my sins (all my falling short of God)... who finally sat down (complete rest after a finished work) at the right hand (my saviour is God's right hand man!!) of God.
what right do i have... to have that intimacy with God? to have such an awesome intercessor... my Saviour King be a channel of communication.. the chapter goes on to describe the standing of Jesus in God's eyes. i can't even begin to imagine such an awesome personality coming down to my level... coming down to take my sins... to give me that intimacy with God.
[and then remember all the blessings of God in Christ that are yours because of this. wow.]
today i was just reading Numbers 16 (i'm reading my way through the bible... finally =P)
go read it for yourself... but here's a quick summary:
the people of israel came against moses and aaron, determining that they should come directly to God and protesting their leadership... so moses told them to offer incense to God. God judges them sinful, the earth opens and swallows the families up... the people offering incense get burnt to a crisp. ouch. so the people are damn scared... God tells eleazar to pick the cencers out of the blaze and make a covering on the altar [beautiful picture of Jesus here] to remind the children of israel of this day (but i think they forgot rather quickly)
the next day they speak out again.. and God's judgement comes and they die like flies till Aaron runs out with a censer of incense and stands between the living and the dead making atonement for the people.
read Hebrews 1:1 again... knowing what the judgement of God is like... (and that's just for the people complaining against the leaders of God and having no faith...) man i would be burnt and gone for all the times i've complained to God and question His existence in my life.
mmm. grace.
okay off to shop (hehe.) and to church.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
kai's quotes #01
put...tired singaporeans in a room... give them chips... and you get things like these:
"if God had wanted us to be drunk. He would have turned us into glasses of water."
"write on your econs tutorial... the kink in the demand curve is caused by the ruler. see what he (the tutor) says about that."
on the topic of the guy tt draws 3D sidewalk chalk pictures:
"take pieces of paper and write numbers... in different sizes... one dollar... then you'll pwn him. 4D diagrams"
when someone was blasting techno music in a room near the lift and kai and i were bobbing to it:
"this is so loser. we're borrowing someone's music to club... but we're not dressed to party... lets go get changed and meet at the lifts to go clubbing. very safe one."
well. maybe it's just kai.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
i've joined... christian union, frisbee, stage crew, singapore society... and i'm gonna try volunteering. lets see how it goes. agressive peace hmmm. i claim it!
i was just reading this passage last night... about moses leading the people out of egypt and the journey to the promise land
So Moses said to the LORD, “Why have You afflicted Your servant? And why have I not found favor in Your sight, that You have laid the burden of all these people on me? Did I conceive all these people? Did I beget them, that You should say to me, ‘Carry them in your bosom, as a guardian carries a nursing child,’ to the land which You swore to their fathers? Where am I to get meat to give to all these people? For they weep all over me, saying, ‘Give us meat, that we may eat.’ I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me. If You treat me like this, please kill me here and now—if I have found favor in Your sight—and do not let me see my wretchedness!”
~Numbers 11:11-15
two things struck me.
moses' desperation... the 'why why why God', the 'i cannot make it', 'i give up', 'i don't want to be responsible' inherent in his cry [powerful man of God... current leader of israel... showing complete weakness.] . and then there's the very fact that he could make such comments to God, the intimacy and openness.
it reminds me that it's okay to be weak... it's okay to be real. even such a man of God has his moments.... i wonder. how many of us would actually turn to God like that (us. with status as sons and daughters of the Most High in Jesus Christ). how many of us are actually conscious of our standing in Christ... conscious of the love of the Father. how many of us run to Him when we face troubles? and moses had intimacy with God... how much more us?
then there was God's reply
So the LORD said to Moses: “Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them; bring them to the tabernacle of meeting, that they may stand there with you. Then I will come down and talk with you there. I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone.
~Numbers 11:16-17
an answer of provision... put in current context would be Daddy God taking our burden from us saying - peace, I fight your battles. - Stand still! and see the salvation of the Lord.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Way Home
The Way Home [Music/Lyrics: Melvin, YuChian, Nick, Jason, DiSong]
I so miss you and she is just a substitute.
You are a work of art, you bring warmth to my heart.
It really breaks my heart to know how long we’ll be apart.
For you (for you, for you) I’ll go out of my way.
Oh my Tao Huay!
Char Kuay Tiao, Bak (bak bak bak) Kut Teh, Roti Prata, Sambal Stingray
Nasi Lemak, To (to to to) sai, Milo Dinosaur, Godzilla
Chicken Rice, Yu (yu yu yu) Char Kuay, Bar Chor Mee, Chili Crabs (chili crabs, chili crabs)!
Chai Tao Kuay, Xiao Long Bao, Ha Kao, Siew Mai, Hokkien Mee, Popiah, Otah, Curry Puff!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
take my hand
take my love
for love is everlasting
and remember
the truth that once was spoken
to love another person
is to see the face of God...
just got back from watching les miserables... fantastic. worth every penny of the 22.50 (which took quite a lot of research to get... actual price of ticket is 55 quid)... 'thank you' to all the guys who thanked me for organising. you guys made it worth it =)... for other musicals... wait a bit. must recover first >.<
sigh. i actually spent quite some time typing out an emo bit. but now it's gone. oh well.
Monday, October 08, 2007
i just went in with a... Lord i need to feel you, i want my portion... feed me... show me how to survive. the presence of God was so strong in that place... just for me? perhaps. it's so awesome to see people just lost in worship. especially in this wild party-madness culture... awesome to see people getting high on God instead of alcohol.
-take courage little one, courage my darling. beloved stand firm in who you are for I am with you-
and i suddenly realised how much God has influenced every single day.
- making Godly friends in OCF... people to go church hopping with.. people to have deep conversations with... =) i miss all you guys back in Singapore though.
- being antisocial and not going to pubs/ clubs with people - i still know quite a lot of people... through relatively little effort of mine
- being nerdy and a muggertoad - i actually have supportive hall mates who study with me (my room is the mugger room. gosh.)
- even church hopping - i realised there's been provision for every service
company appeared for me when i was supposed to go alone... hillsong's worship the first sun, good messages on the 2nd sun, and yesterday... it was like an Arrow service!
- choosing of my subsidary courses - linguistics... was because MOE wanted some english thing and it was the most interesting english thing. and then today i realised that i do a bit of that in psyc... and i do a bit of psyc in linguistics =P
serves me right for worrying that i won't be fed enough at services on sundays over here. God's my provider... not the preacher or the church =)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
just another person in London - from a minority group no less, trying to adapt to an 'amazing' drinking/ clubbing/ pubbing culture
just another student in uni among the thousands of really smart people
just another face in the lecture theatre
just another voice in the tutorial groups
just another member of a clique
just another member of the family
just a random person.
but think about this...
the God who made the heavens and the earth
the God who holds the universe in the palm of His hand
decided that you were important to Him
decided to send His Son to die to redeem you from sin
yearns for a relationship with you
loves you like a father would a child
knows the deepest workings of your heart
that you have the privilege to say Abba Father... to say Daddy God
saw through your facade to the need and made you whole
took the insignificant you and gave you a future and a hope
what has been keeping me going =)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
psychology - the science is really... bio... fun stuff. the statistics... is A level stuff. so i'm happy =)
linguistics (grammar) - was a really cool class... we discuss sentences, how to study them, decipher the rules behind so-called 'ungrammatical' sentences - in today's tutorial we were discussing a black dialect... there are sooo many things about english i didn't know! and all the grammar rules and stuff that the parents taught me at some point that i've forgotten...
i'm wondering whether i chose the right subsidary course. a second year i spoke to said it was the worst bit of his BA linguistics and the toughest... i don't know whether i can score... but ultimately it doesn't matter i guess. God give me the grace =)
german - just got the class confirmed... and bought the book (seems such a waste to do german *again*... but i guess that'll free up my workload.. rather than try a totally new language. i half wanted to take chinese =P)
so what have i been doing...
- running from one building to another to get to my lectures (fairly) on time [my optional classes clash with my compulsory ones... so it involves a lot of running and sneaking around]
- getting caught in the rain
- stage crew (avu equivalent) meeting on mon
- muggerfest on tue (cos i only had 1 hr of lessons)
- ice-skating then a ballet class on wed
- just got back from a sound lesson... nothing new... but the tech head really knows his stuff... can probably pester him to teach me the more in-depth theories and mixes (unfortunately the bloomsbury theatre system isn't digital... i want to play with a digital mixer!!!) i'm still considering whether to join... but i guess i can pay the 3 pounds and be a sleeping member that goes for training without doing shows >.<
and as a result...
i have caught the 'freshers flu' and am (un)happily sitting in my room sniffling and being woozy =(
i wish i had an edifying post to put up...but i haven't been thinking much lately... just spending my free time slacking and enjoying His presence. ah well.
Monday, October 01, 2007
sunday again
all souls church 9.30am today
traditional hymns, hymnals, pews, bibles... a good sermon, somth that pastor preached before. at the end i was thinking... "so short!?!" the sermon was like the first 20 min of pastor's normal service... at which point he would go 'i haven't started yet, are you ready for the word?' message about being aware of legalism and Jesus' stand towards it
lunch with Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF) seniors @ chinatown
back to hall
where i found a group of singaporeans crashing and melvin acting as tour guide =S... and ended up spending 1hr plus with them in the music room instead of napping as originally intended
hillsong london 5.00pm
very eventful journey... LOL. took the bus cos it's only 1 pound... then the bus got caught in a jam... so it terminated service a long long way from where we were supposed to go (victoria station). so we took the tube... and the victoria line (shorter way) was closed! so we had to change twice to get to a station actually 3 stops from where we (junli and i) were... grrr. then there was the miscommunication with joseph... meet at 4pm at busstop outside skool became meet at 4pm there... so he waited for us - and we were late =S
worth the journey. John Bevere preaching... and also my first good spiritual 'meal' in London. about seeking God with reverence... distinguishing the 'fear of the Lord' and plain 'fear'... really just calling people to develop their relationship with God. solid... but still pretty short. hum.
and i got my savior king cd! 15 pounds ... 45 sing dollars (but the cd actually looks different! and sounds different too! haha. should compare the s'pore australian and london recordings with clement when i go back next year)
dinner with junli and joseph @ joseph's place (yay chinese food. =P)
yup. lessons start tmr 9am and there are sooo many other things to settle... *wail* haha. pray that i keep that internal peace though i'm gonna be running/ have been running around like a 'siao char bo' =)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
i conquered the world!
heehee =P i was actually stoning in the room while mark hui xuan and kai played... then hui xuan had to go... and mark walked her back and left... so melvin took over mark and i took over hui xuan... (and i beat two guys at RISK!) see the little orange guys in the top left corner? i kicked them out!
okay photo post =P
typical english breakfast... only without the happy face (you can choose to have beans or noodles as well... just 4 items and two drinks and toast)
Monday, September 24, 2007
hillsongs... has great worship (to be expected right?) but the preaching isn't very solid... at least yesterday's one wasn't. lots of verses thrown at you to substantiate a point... but not very anointed. messages here are short! like 20 min.. and they get a lot of guest speakers (pastor's coming in october). i guess i'll check out another church in the morning then go for the afternoon service again next week. i feel like hillsong is a good place to serve... but dunno about feeding and growing there.
we shall see.
pray for me!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
thank you =)
thank you! to the people who
gave me a letter/ wrote in the black book:
xingcong (though i'll see you in london lol.), jofid, heiman, andrea, izzy, jiahao, shawn, joseph, jem, hwei, michael, joy, joash, fel, lindis, u-glen, eph, clement, yeow, amanda, jan, yuhua, zj, jane, esther, daniel, renhao
gave me cool stuff:
felicia (i'm using the bag to carry my shower stuff to the shower!!), u-glen (my last mooncakes in singapore), the whoever(s) who contributed to the webcam (haha i haven't set it up yet!), shawn for the book, janiah for plane food (your brownies are really good... *drool*)
sent me off at the airport:
(wah long list and sorry sorry, very lag in putting up photos.)
shawn, hwei, jan, lindis, jofid, justin, andrea, izzy, daniel, renhao, jane, amanda, esther, xingcong, joel
and the well wishes of the rest... 'last meals' and such.
i feel loved ^^ hehe.
it's been super busy... well sorta. heh i could choose to be a hermit in my room i guess. still shopping and getting stuff to make my room 'mine'... going to ikea today!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
sunburnt skin + london weather = peeling = gross
my room:
i think i'm really blessed... cos i've got a toilet and adjoining showers in the same corridor as my room. toilets are shared by the whole floor... 2 on each floor so some pple walk really far just to use a toilet (the inside of the hall is a maze... and lots of fire doors so you can't really tell where you're going) toilets are clean =) well... even the public toilets are a lot cleaner than singapore... and there are very few of those around... so you can imagine the number of people using them.
the room itself is pretty small... no pictures for you till i finish putting away stuff ^^ (which probably will never happen) i got a mug yesterday for £1 *yay* can make hot drinks once i get a kettle (the ones provided in the pantry are scarily yellow 0_0) i was blessed by the last person who used the room... i brought 10 hangers and i haven't used any of them cos the last person left about 15! no lack here.
weather report:
i'm getting used to it! it's about 10-20 deg... windchill is terrible but i can walk ard the hall in shorts and t-shirt without being too cold. out of doors two layers has been enough so far. but wind blowing = brrr (today's pretty warm. joy!) super dry here though... moisturising has become a ritual... and bits of me a cracking and flaking off eep. flaky christian ehehe...
i think i've been doing nothing but shopping. and walking around.. albeit not productively. we met a year 3 ucl guy who used to be classmates with some of the s'pore guys (the world is too small lor.) and he was saying tt everything we seemed to want can be found in ikea... so off to ikea on saturday =P it isn't as easy to get lost in london as they say. it's pretty much the same as s'pore, you walk in the general direction of the place and you'll find it.
it's pretty much free and easy, no groups/ course introductions... so i've pretty much been going up to random ppl, introducing myself and talking to them about uni and courses and countries (so surface! bleh.) i've met... 1 german, 2 from hongkong, 1 brit, 1 czech, 1 china, 2 malaysians, 1 american (postgrad student!), 1 swede (although i only talked to this guy in passing)... and a couple of girls on my floor... brits i think, i didn't ask. hmmm. still trying to get to know people around my hall. there is unfortunately a tendency for singaporeans to stick together and eat together and walk around together... so the only chance for talking to people is in waiting for the lifts. hmmm.
i can't think of anything else... humph. shall go do qt and off to be a kiasu singaporean =P gonna enrol 1 hr before our enrolment time starts... heh
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
contact details
if you're from cg, there's a post saved as a draft on the blog/ a copy on the google whiteboard (but people haven't been added to it... yet...?)
if you're from arrow vid it's on the google whiteboard too! (if you want i'll put one on the groups as well, but i'm lazy to log in to yahoo)
yup. if you're from school/ moe/ acquaintance sorry... haha i can't remember everyone so i need you to tell me you want my contact XD
highlights of yesterday:
taking the tube... (i fell asleep =P thank God for friends who stay awake, and for hooking me up with Hillsong London people)
walking! many things are expensive... walked to the theatre where Hillsongs is, supermarket, argos... i think i can still get lost cos we were following a fren ard (who has been here about a week alr) and i was just blindly following. lol.
more walking! i got my london phone number... pay-as-you-go... see how it goes... whether getting a plan is worth it. -i foresee many msn nights with the phone off-
got back and started unpacking (information overload gosh)... then i heard many doors closing and poked my head out to ask someone/ anyone and went down to dinner. happily followed the girls in front of me until i got to the cashier. and i got stuck! cos i didn't have the pass card... the card machine wasn't working when i checked in! so i had to abandon my food and get one. pfft.
in the queue to talk with the wardens i saw a guy with the same kind of expression as i had... so i started talking to him haha. same problem with food! seems pretty nice, a local from essex. hehe. favour favour.
okay off to breakfast
Monday, September 17, 2007
0 days!
quick update. i'm in london, safe, baggage chucked inside my hall.
i can't check in till after 2pm (london's 7 hrs behind)
i can't get my debit card... it is mia. but at least the account is set up..
going for lunch/ getting phone/ water distiller in a while.
the two hillsong pple who came to pick me up are funky... (maybe i'll serve in video min there too =P) see how it goes. i'm still hanging out with the bunch of sporean frens... so pray that i make friends quick quick and make good Godly ones too =)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
4 days
the to-do list:
1. pack... wash clothes... pack
3. print more passport photos
4. buy that stupid clever pencilcase
5. get eyebrows trimmed (yes.. i do know they need work)
6. pack my room (omg once i'm gone my room's gonna become their office >.<) 5. sort out music on my comp 6. rip sermons + music into comp
8. book the cab from airport to hall
i feel relatively accomplished XD.
tomorrow/ today will be all about money... get what little pay i can from working for parents, change money for me... get travellers cheques in case of emergency... (my UK branch got changed to Russell Sq apparently. thank God.)... close my UOB account (with that measly $2200 in it =P to go into paying parents for all the stuff they bought for me. omg tt brings my spore expenditure to $4000+)
last bible study. can't wait =D
ohoh. there's this courtesy of the 'dandan' on my tagboardXD (i actually didn't get to see it cos i was inside the audi talking to people... so. hurrah for the invention of video cameras)
Online Videos by
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
6 days
oh i taught my mom to msn! haha... so fun... she doesn't scream at me anymore =D!
and i'm finally getting round to doing this... =P
Look at the list of books below. Bold the ones you’ve read, italicize the ones you want to read, cross out the ones you won’t touch with a 10 foot pole, put a cross infront of the ones on your book shelf, and asterisk* the ones you’ve never heard of.
01. The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
02. +Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
03. +To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
05.+ The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Tolkien)
06.+ The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien)
07.+ The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (Tolkien)
08.+ Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery)
09.* Outlander (Diana Gabaldon)
10.* A Fine Balance (Rohinton Mistry)
11.+ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Rowling)
12.* Angels and Demons (Dan Brown)
13.+ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Rowling)
14. A Prayer for Owen Meany (John Irving)
15. Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden)
16.+ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Rowling)
17. *Fall on Your Knees (Ann-Marie MacDonald)
19.+ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(Rowling)
20.+ Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
21. The Hobbit (Tolkien)
22. The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)
23. + Little Women (Louisa May Alcott)
24.* The Lovely Bones (Alice Sebold)
25. Life of Pi (Yann Martel)
26. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
27. Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)
28. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (C. S. Lewis)
29. East of Eden (John Steinbeck)
30.+ Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)
31. Dune (Frank Herbert)
32.* The Notebook (Nicholas Sparks)
33.* Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
34.* 1984 (Orwell)
36.* The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett)
37.* The Power of One (Bryce Courtenay)
38. I Know This Much is True (Wally Lamb)
39.* The Red Tent (Anita Diamant)
40. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
41.* The Clan of the Cave Bear (Jean M. Auel)
42.* The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)
44. The Five People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
45.+ Bible (Bits and pieces.)
46.* Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
48. Angela’s Ashes (Frank McCourt)
49. The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
50. She’s Come Undone (Wally Lamb)
51.* The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver)
52.+ A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)
53. Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card)
54.+ Great Expectations (Dickens)
55. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
56.* The Stone Angel (Margaret Laurence)
57.+ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Rowling)
58.* The Thorn Birds (Colleen McCullough)
59. The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood)
60. The Time Traveller’s Wife (Audrew Niffenegger)
61.* Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
62.* The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
63. War and Peace (Tolstoy)
65.* Fifth Business (Robertson Davis)
66. One Hundred Years Of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
67.* The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (Ann Brashares)
68. Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)
69. Les Miserables (Hugo)
70. The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
72.* Love in the Time of Cholera (Marquez)
73. Shogun (James Clavell)
74. The English Patient (Michael Ondaatje)
75.+ The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
76.* The Summer Tree (Guy Gavriel Kay)
77.* A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith)
78.* The World According To Garp (John Irving)
79.* The Diviners (Margaret Laurence)
80.+ Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White)
81.* Not Wanted On The Voyage (Timothy Findley)
82. Of Mice And Men (Steinbeck)
83.* Rebecca (Daphne DuMaurier)
85.+ Emma (Jane Austen)
86. Watership Down (Richard Adams)
87. Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
88. The Stone Diaries (Carol Shields)
89. Blindness (Jose Saramago)
91.* In The Skin Of A Lion (Ondaatje)
92. Lord of the Flies (Golding)
93.+ The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)
94.* The Secret Life of Bees (Sue Monk Kidd)
95. The Bourne Identity (Robert Ludlum)
96. The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)
97. White Oleander (Janet Fitch)
98. A Woman of Substance (Barbara Taylor Bradford)
99.* The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield)
hehe i think my book knowledge is kinda sad..
and the crossed out ones are more like books i can't be bothered to read... like even if they were borrowed for me.
what a waste of time. hee =P