woke up in the
morning almost-afternoon greeted by mr sunshine... aka. Medusa and was inspired to do weird things to his hair... (those pics are on junli's cam unfortunately...).

we wanted to take the tour to potsdam - out of berlin for the day, but discovered that they didn't run the tours in that season. so it was free & easy again, blessed with awesome weather. took the train to potsdam to explore the place since it was near berlin. what was a potsdam? old palace buildings and park grounds. strangely enough, after taking the bus from the bahnhof (train station) to the palace grounds... the first gate we saw looked exactly like one of my neighbour's gates... hmmm. but the grounds were beautiful... and we spent the day just fooling around and singing songs and relaxing and eating and eating and eating =P

currywurst =)
sausage meat shop... yum. i got to try the raw pork on bread thing! can't rmb what it's called
the indian-looking gate tt's rather similar to my neighbour's
too pretty a composition to resist
random shelter-looking thing - that couldn't possibly provide shelter
we were wondering what these were: diseased trees?
Lego land: the triangular trees
we were here
surfer boys
"oh look the tree is shorter than me!"
chi dun *boiing*
"He was a skater boy, she said 'see ya later boy'..."
as usual... when we saw interesting statues & things... we couldn't help but do weird things with them.. and the boys. well. army boys lah. what to do? [unfortunately eugene's cam ran out of batt... so i couldn't take more videos ='(]
let's take a relaxing bath
eew. you guys stink
army maneuvers

licking a 冰棒
and we walked and walked and walked the extensive park grounds to reach one of the palace historical buildings. but it was closed cos it was some seasonal thing. so we walked and walked somemore... and did more random things

cannot go in? no problem. take picture and pretend we did.
all hail princess junli!
deprived childhood: s'pore got no trees to climb 

after walking and walking and walking and walking and walking... we finally got back out of the grounds... and decided to look for ice-cream (as if it wasn't cold enough.) all the small vendor places were closed though, so we went into mövenpick to defrost and have something to eat. but. just outside the restaurant was a kiddy playground - and we couldn't resist (deprived childhood. ahahaha. check out all the happy faces man!)

high-class dining...
high-class apple pie & brownie... high-class prices too
stop and smell the testtube?? 
after that we headed back to the bahnhof to find a way to the next stop: the pyramid - which was in the middle of a different park. haha. had a really interesting time waiting for the bus, marching on the spot to keep warm and singing campfire songs (bunch of 5 kuku's we were. =D funness.) by then it was about 7 plus, and we finally got the bus back to the bahnhof to get directions to the pyramid. on the way to the pyramid, we found a kebap kiosk! with a really nice store owner. haha. super funny... as he was trying to ask us where we were from, and if we were studying in the uni in berlin etc. and everyone was looking at me to translate -_-" but i could only understand 10%. oops. the kebap was really good though *drool*.

and then
fright night began:
the bus dropped us at some ulu road... in a residential area... which was near the park gates, but completely deserted. we somehow found the park gates... and realised they were locked!! and it dawned on me that there were no streetlamps in the park and it was pitch dark. oops. the boys *ahem* began to talk about ghostly things to try to freak us out as well. loll.
i got a revelation about trust then... cos while it was rather worrying - in a foreign land with unknown roads etc. we were still relaxed about well. being lost. and it was faith i think, that He would bring us safely back no matter what. quite amazing that, cos the busstop we dropped at was on a one-way road, so we had to walk to the place before the one-way road began to find the busstop going back to the train station =p.
our dark and lonely busstop
4 ghosts 'chers of the future
where's that bus??
freeeezin and lost in potsdam 
got safely back to the train station... and stopped for yet more food (cos junli wanted the toy from the happymeal =P) before taking the train back to our hostel. i learnt how to play loot! and we were playing all the way till past 1am - with beer as the loser's forfeit (lol.) this time, junli was the one who kena... (well that, and she was trying to get me to drink less) and amazingly... she was actually tipsy!! haha "i shall go brush my face and wash my teeth now" =P never seen her so '
seh' before. heh. well... at least if anyone got drunk it'd be in good/ safe company.

and so the day ended... with quiet time (i must say it was very nice to do qt with all the lights off but the reading light above the bed)... and turning off angus' light (yes. again.)
oh yes. sometime when i was going to sleep, a light came on from junli's bed... her ipod light, which she switched off, then got up, went to the loo and came back. [but the next morning she actually asked me 'charity did you help me turn my ipod off and pack the earphones? hahaha gosh.]
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