taopok! you can't even see wesley (at the bottom) anymore
us two emo kids - paul 3 hill & 4 hill lol.
the next day was a picnic breakfast where we drove to a lake with our sandwiches. beautiful.
driver #01: wesley
driver #02: joseph
animal farm: charity the dog, angus the owner, wesley the horse, sam the spectator
then drove to manchester for lunch. and parking by the road, we got hit by this truck. and it was a rented car... $_$ ohwell. pay money =(
the after-lunch syndrome - zzzz..
then since we were in manchester, we just -had- to visit the stadium. but none of us were man u fans! so wasted.
charity was here.so cute right! i wonder... if parents support opposing teams, whether the kid would grow up confused. hmmm.
super expensive chocs. £1.50.. 0_0
arsenal fans. need i say more?
then it was back to london... where we went on this petro kiosk hunt -_- cos the nearby one was closed at 8pm... lazy ppl. then to woodhall where yafen cooked ^^ *yum* thankyou yafen! and steph and joyce for preparing food for us =D...joseph baked cookies and we played citadel while everyone was k.o.-ing all over the place
highlight of the trip? eating. -_-"
truely. fei-lo-ship.
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