and by hot - i mean 20 deg. hehe.
it's hilarious, i'm sitting in front of my comp mugging and i'm suntanning in my room lol.
anyway. photo update.
random lunchtime madness
fingerless gloves are cute and rather useless
when on the head you look like a chicken 
christine and i think that the henna looks like ninjas
nose-ring anyone?

i invited hania, sylvia, christine over (and the weather was awesome)
russell square... the park i walk through on the way to school
us and food!
shameless: my fried rice looks good right?
went to watch pastor prince at hillsong conference (paid 15 quid for a few hours 0_o pastor costs the same amount to watch as a musical...)
was a real relief after friday night... OCF picnic, frisbee, and i climbed a tree!
oh man angus... where were you bro. we were in hyde park... miss your company man.
beautiful blue skies =)
the puma gang
i looked like a flower i think...
me on the top of the tree

the unglam climbing process
suckling pig pic #01
suckling pig pic #02
bingliang's pained look (watch your crown jewels!)
and the last flowers of summer
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