first time on a ski lift! (you can shake snow to the people below)

the 2nd ski lift going up a bit higher (on to my 2nd green slope)
the fourth ski lift i took - 6 man lift to a blue slope (in this case we were going to the red)
steph the ninja
evelyn our coach for the day
looking across from the lift
looking back from the lift

i lost track of which number lift this was... but it was the one that brought us right to to the top

little kiddies... who ski better than i can
the restaurant at the top of the world ^^
some amazing scenery

tsu-lyn... our 'coach' who receed the slopes we could try as beginners
david one of the snowboarders
justin fooling around - an X with skis means you're injured and need help
ski tracks leading off piste (pro people man)
a little bit of mont-blanc
looking down from the top: and i skiied down... didn't take the cable car back down

very very useful signboard.. lol. we took the serperntine route down
looking up at the slope i skiied down
looking down at the next bit of slope
jx my 'saviour' who had to pick me up many times the first time we did a blue slope in a snowstorm
more mont-blanc
and i'm really proud of this photo from the cable car =P
i lost track of which number lift this was... but it was the one that brought us right to to the top
eh... God's rather artistic don't you think? we're always awed by nature... take photos of 'naturally occuring colours' forgetting who made them and called them forth in the first place.
looking back on the photos (too much adrenaline going down the slopes to think about anything else but skiing) i'm like 'woah'... and it's like Daddy God whispering words of love... 'I made the heavens and the earth for you to live on, for you to enjoy'
eheh and faith like a mustard seed can move mountains. plural. i ski down one flat side of the mountain i scared already... and to think You can still say that that tiny bit of faith i have can move mountains... i can't begin to imagine the enormity of it all.
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