Sunday, September 03, 2006


here i am. typing out the first ever post. when i should really be studying for prelims. er. just that my mind seems to be wandering... visiting the past and such =P

i have started a blog.


never thought this would happen. really. feels like i'm jumping on the bandwagon. lol.

always thought that my life kinda sucked, you know. and unlike many people out there with blogs/ or perhaps the many people out there without blogs, i figured that it wouldn't be worth it starting one. there isn't really a point in going 'hey world, my life really sucks' or perhaps pretend all the way and go 'hey world, my life is fantastic always'. there isnt a point in daily boring recounts for all the voyeuristic people out there either... not in my opinion anyway. i'd rather have a nice paper journal the server can't destroy and random people can't read.

there's a kind of responsibility in starting a blog? perhaps the knowledge that i'd affect the mood of whoever's reading it... never really wanted to take on that responsibility. still, i'm starting this (finally. yes.) with a difference, i hope, with the aim of touching lives. i pray that God will make that happen.

why now after all this time? i've finally realised... rather the word has entered my heart... and i'm learning... just how much God really loves me. for every single thing i go through/ have gone through, He has been there with me, carrying me every step of the way. knowing that, each thing just becomes another testimony of His love for me, and that is something i want to share with people.

The turning point was probably one of the things coach Angie shared with the new servers in Campus Creative Unit - that even as we believed in God and in Him carrying us through all the problems in life, life is not about the 'cool' bits or the 'smooth' bits - we bear our brokenness with pride... that the goodness of God will be seen in our failures, and the saving grace and the love our Father has for us will spread to the world.

So yeah. i hope it'll work out. i suppose there'll be pleas for prayers along the way for various things =P. well if you know me, keep me in prayer =). if you don't you still can =).

yeah i realise that i'm still anonymous.
that will change [hopefully soon? but probably not] together with the template [i reallly want my own... it's my 'site' after all... will some pro person care to do it for me? *looks hopeful*]. after A levels probably. [don't ask me what i'm doing here instead of studying. grawh.]

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