Friday, June 08, 2007

where dreams are made

jeanine's gonnnee... =(... another 2-3 more years before we can meet in person... unless she flies over to London to visit me lol.

i'm at odds as to what to write here... lots of things swimming around my head... i guess the photo uploading and 'days with jeanine' commentary shall have to wait till she sends me the photos on her cam.

how strange that you forget how much you miss a person till you see them... hm...

amazing then. that God thinks of you all the time

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.
~Psalms 139:17-18

i love that whole chapter actually... cos it's about destiny =) go read it! and let the Spirit imprint it on your heart.


imagine... a master toymaker - very skilled, very kind.
and he has ideas galore. each toy he makes is completely unique... no two of the toys he makes are the same. he takes very long to make these unique toys... paying attention to details, imagining the joy on the faces of the children playing with the toy. each one specially crafted, polished to perfection - with a purpose: to love and be loved.

these toys don't know they're unique... they run away and get broken, treated badly, hurt. finally they're drawn back to the toymaker's house... with no purpose of life, with a knowing that this was not the life they were made for

the toymaker welcomes them, takes them in, repairs them, heals their spirit. and he loves them too much to just solve their problems - he re-crafts them, makes them better than before. restoration. then against all sense, he sets them free again - this time to live the life that he has planned. they stray away, come back broken and he restores them each time - loving them too much to force them to stay, thinking about them all the time

enter the toys: you and me - take a bow
enter the toymaker: God

i'm glad i'm not God... i'd just throw the broken toys away

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