Tuesday, June 10, 2008

berlin ist sehr kalt (27/3)-day4

very very belated post... last day of berlin
we had gooood breakfast for only 5 euros! courtesy of our hostel... and relak one korner till late late in the afternoon =P

then we went out of town to one of the concentration camps... interesting...

the plan of the camp these remind me of hostel bunks
foot-washing area
this reminds me of my hall room... without the grill of courselaterines anyone? junli looks amazingly happy though shut into a cell...
and then after a very rushed tour... it was goodbye berlin! =(
my 4 travelling companionswho were really really amazing on the trip =Dlast look at berlin... and we flew back to london!

i really loved it... enough to miss berlin when i went back to london. haha we should go for a trip again! the 5 of us =D

with much love.. i sign off... lol.
and all you 'mat' wannabes must follow this sign! (it was at the concentration camp btw)

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