Tuesday, October 07, 2008

london lesson #01

before i know it... i've been in london 3 weeks now
it's been a flurry of activity... doing up the house, moving in and unpacking, getting groceries and making the kitchen work. and then school started.. giving us a lab project on the 2nd day of school and an essay on the 4th day of school.

so. panic. *of course*

but yesterday as i was trying to write my essay to no avail (couldn't think after a while) i decided to listen to a sermon. granted, i wasn't paying all that much attention to the sermon, but it spoke to me (even as i multitasked with blogsurfing and fbook and the daily devo). the message wasn't new - though not something i've listened to many times... it was on the things that pastor builds his newer messages on, but yet as i listened, there was a fresh knowing of His goodness... not knowledge, but understanding.

and then i realised what i've been doing in london.. running around trying to get things done.. (and my household has had quite a few drama episodes) wondering whether things would run... taking time to talk to people about things, discuss issues, get high on random incidences (we were teaching the boys to do ballet yday lol.) but none of those fulfilled the need for life, for spending time with Daddy - which i didn't do simply because. well. the other things took up so much time.

no two ways around it.

but what is spending time with God?
going to Him and complaining? maybe. (i've done that a lot)

yesterday i realised another element... awareness of His goodness
to stop, smell the roses, and realise that all that is what Daddy has given

yeah. sure. it's been preached to me many times... but actually realising it when there's so many things to be taken care of? not really something i have to think about in singapore... cos the parents do most of that kind of work, i only have to take care of my own things back home. here, there's the house that we all have a part in running.

i should live life like the devo i read yday... sure. i do the work. but then i sit back and watch as Daddy God multiplies the fruit.

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