Monday, August 31, 2009

callings and such

i wanted to blog about something else altogether... but j unli tagged me in this note on fbook and i thought it was a fabulous read to share

here's an excerpt cos it's too long a post on blogger:

"In my case, if I had not been directed by the Lord into teaching, I would never have imagined I could teach. I was a rather introverted type of person, not always at ease in the presence of others. I was frequently tongue-tied, not given to asserting my own views or volunteering my opinions in conversation. In a class of some 35 peers, I knew about five intimately, although I was on friendly but shy terms with the others. I read avidly, but seldom discussed my thoughts with others. Most of the time I kept my feelings to myself. Only at home did I relax with parents and younger siblings. Nobody could be less suited for teaching than myself, judging from my visible traits.

However, my experience has shown that, if the Lord intends a person to assume a particular role, He will give grace and equip him for it. The person will grow on the job. God will provide him with the necessary talents and abilities to discharge his responsibilities in a way which manifests His blessing. The vocation is the situation where God's spiritual gifts for His service will be endowed and enhanced. All this will be a Christian's lot, provided that he does not, in the first instance, so discount himself and feel so discontented with his position that God cannot use him with any degree of effectiveness."
Choosing teaching as a vocation: a testimony
~Dr Ruth Wong Hie King (1918 - 1982)

even if you don't normally read things - click on that link and read the article it will surely bless you

1 comment:

her highness said...

The link has been hijacked by a company called PayU. Maybe you want to restore your link? Dr Ruth Wong's testimony is quite impressive.