Sunday, November 01, 2009

the shower was so cold my hair turned blue

pictures are more interesting i think...
this is my partner in crimeah lian hair...
"i look like i murdered a blueberry" ~faith
(these are my hands... hers looked much worse)
i think i look like i got painted blue...
and sadly... the outcome was so dark that it looked black =(
well 3 days later it now looks a little blue-r

on hindsight... i should have done my whole head since it's so dark anyway. maybe i'll buy the dye back to sg and do it before NIE starts - when my hair has grown out/ regained some life

and i needn't have bleached (this really pisses me off)... and i could have bought the purple that's much lighter instead... but ohwell at least it didn't become green...

Lord let the dye wash out quick quick so it gets lighter... =P

1 comment:

chuntsen said...

omggg. please before you dye it back, let us see it haha.