Saturday, May 01, 2010

suay/ pekchek day

here we go...

little or no sleep
lots and lots of stats that i just can't wrap my head around for the exam next tuesday
bittersweet news
not getting as much as i wanted done
getting chased out of the lab at 5pm cos the building's gonna be locked down
RAIN... and i mean RAIN... like singapore style - not to mention it's cold
getting drenched while walking to the library... searching for quite some time to find a place to try to finish up the thought process that got interrupted
forgetting completely about the no food and drink rule - bringing my leftover lunch in - getting caught & details taken down... and probably being fined 5 pounds
freezing while walking home cos i was almost totally wet


and then there's still more stats to do.... cos i haven't grasped it completely yet
nooooooo. can the day just end so i can have a happier one? RAWR.

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