Monday, November 26, 2007

small pleasures

a good sermon on sunday =)

finally being able to finish a table of values for 30 outputs of: mean, significant differences, t-test values, probability [now for the rest of the lab report...]

finishing my 2nd essay and sending it in

finishing my german notes during lecture (after putting it off for almost a month)

sunny skies! (and a *relatively* warm room)

getting my psyc textbook in the mail (dunno if i chose the right one cos the lecturers never seem to quote it. but i can highlight!! finally! and stop wondering if the book will be koped in the lib =P)

singing... in ocf choir/ with random piano and friends. gosh. it's been so long (i think my voice has changed... amazing...)

having people open doors/ hold doors open for you =P

being alive.

talking to you =)

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