Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4 DOWN: to eat

2 write till hand falls off papers, 1 'ugh' paper, 1 'ugh ugh' paper and i've one to go. thankfully it's next week cos i haven't prepared for it at all (lol had to search for the lecture slides today) that said. i'm slacking today for a bit... and my friend sent me this

An old Cherokee Indian grandfather was talking to his grandson. He said, "I want to tell you about a struggle. There is a war going on inside me. It is a war that is in all of mankind. It is the war of two wolves. One wolf is full of hate, anger, jealousy, greed and selfishness. The other wolf is full of love, joy, compassion and faith."
The little Cherokee grandson thought for a minute and said, "but Grandfather, which wolf wins?"
The Grandfather looked at his grandson and said..........

"The One You Feed."


that reminded me of 'being a Christian' actually.
it's all about the 'thing' we feed on.
Jesus, the Truth of our salvation and the forgiveness of God and His blessings?
or the futility of the world and our attempts to salvage what we can.

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