Saturday, June 20, 2009

HIS-tory making in 5 days

i'm back from camp - therefore i will post about camp before i forget cos i only managed to journal something like 2 lines per day. here you go... 1X long post (hope whoever's reading it doesn't get bored)

to begin with... getting into camp was a miracle in and of itself:
- i don't qualify in terms of having attended cg or services
- i was in London and had to source for the camp forms, get parents to do the sign-up etc etc
- camp dates were nicely put such that i came back from greece to london to singapore with about a day's buffer time

favour. indeed... with God and man

Day 1
blurry-eyed and jet-lagged i went to clementi to report at 7.15 for the coach ride to malacca. there i was greeted with 'you're back!' and 'wow haven't seen you for so long' etc. you get the drift. it's good to be home =) though it was rather odd to hear singlish again. the bus ride up was spent with much anticipation, sleeping and taking vid footage of malacca signs. serving right from the start =D another of the things i've really missed over in London

arrived at hotel equatorial, checked-in, dumped bags, off to lunch and to the ballroom to hide behind the av stuff. i was quite happy to hear that vid min had expanded - selfishly happy haha. that other people would serve at some point in the rotation so i could go up to receive. then kind of disappointed when hwei told us the rotation - ie. the videographers served every service cos there were only 3 of us at any one time and the services were really long. nevertherless. it was my decision to serve... and my decision to receive. so somehow God would have to make sure i got both in the end.

well i got my request. i was blown away by the very first service heh. by a lot of things (that maybe people in arrow take for granted)
1. the presence of God in worship that was so tangible
2. the fact that people were all worshipping - that the people were worshippers. being in vid requires you to be in a vid position... not a position of worship. ie. eyes open on screen - thinking about the framing, about the next framed shot etc
3. how i was able to worship and video at the same time (never before was i overwhelmed by God's presence and crying with my eyes fixated on the vid cam LCD screen and filming)
4. pastor went up and began preaching about calling (which was what the camp was about). precisely what I had asked God for. it was positively amazing

i was filming for half the sermon... so i don't remember much and have no notes - but just trust that the word has been deposited in my spirit. that Daddy's done/ doing the work even if i can't remember

Day 2
session 2: was largely about choosing to see things through God's perspective. ie. do you see the problems around you or the help that Daddy has sent?

what impacted me (i'm reading from my notes here) was pastor's comment that boasting in God's love for us brings favour - which may bring envy and misunderstanding. and the challenge to declare what God has put in your heart. that was so real.. cos it's so difficult to do that over in London - to declare 'Jesus' is difficult in the first place... to say that 'Jesus did this n that' you'd be labelled a nutter. i'm nowhere near there. so Lord You have to fill me up

case #47223:
ran around with camera =) caught some crazy green flour fish sauce games on tape... went through crazy green flour game with camera as if the camera was playing the game - you get my drift. i half wish and don't wish that i got to play the games =P that's one thing i really miss when filming - though standing and staring through a lens at people going crazy and getting dirty is amazing heh.

session 3: i have no notes... and no memory of the sermon (as always... when i do a live feed) but i trust that God has implanted the word in my spirit. all sermons were based on on joseph's story at any rate... with different aspects on different days.

i believe this was the session where there was ministering and such amazing love just poured out... restoration of so many lives and relationships. this session was also the one where i was wondering what i was doing standing behind the camera... going 'hey Lord.. i wanna be called up front to receive... i want more of You... but pastor isn't calling for my situation and i'm behind the camera... so i'm gonna stay here. give it here Lord' and i got a reply... 'I see you even if nobody sees... good and faithful servant' and so simply i was filled till i thought my heart would burst. no fanfare, no prayer, no one nearby, no closing of eyes, no raising of hands, no crying... but i was loved... so loved till i thought i would burst... that it would bubble out of my eyeballs or something if love could be seen

Day 3
amazing day of ALOT of grace... cos pastor decided that we would add a session cos we were so hungry for the word of God - therefore the program was completely screwed up and all the leaders didn't know what was going on either lol.

Q&A: again no notes... though i wasn't actually videoing anything hmm. stuff that's been repeated many times to me i guess.. since i've grown up in NCC (though whether or not there's revelation... tt one must ask God)

7 concurrent sessions of equipping - i went for the one on leadership and one on time... some really good principles (God really answered my prayer i think... this was equipping to the max) what i loved about the whole thing was the emphasis on Jesus... 'duh' you may say. but i think all too often we forget the most fundamental thing and dive straight into how 'WE' can do all things in and of ourselves with various skills

a funny moment with deacon sam:
me 'i don't think i'll be in leadership in the next 10 years... or at least not a leader in ministry anyway'
dn sam 'then where will you be?'
me 'ummm in MOE.....'
dn sam 'ok la that's still ministry... ministry of education'
everyone '*cold laughter*'

i must say i came away with more questions than answers... questions for God about what i'm doing and what He wants me to be doing in life etc. but for now those questions are for God's ears only

women's meeting:
oh this was hilarious. ps benjamin's wife pauline was sharing... the usual stuff i would say, in terms of principles... but it was that much more intimate and personal - all the life stories came out in answering people's questions... (dirty laundry aired hurhur.)

i was happily getting a few shots of her sharing on vid. then i walked back to the sound/video table. and guess who i saw hiding behind it? -.- pastor benjamin. so we of the vid ministry were blessed to have a commentary on what pauline was saying by the very man she was talking about. hoho.

[okay this is incredibly long and has taken me 3 rounds to write so i'll just post it first]

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