Saturday, October 14, 2006


"this is only the beginning" is what's ringing in my spirit. two souls saved in campus today.. and the last song "awesome God" was powerful - it was a declaration of war against the devil. in singing that song... it was as if we were speaking into our lives, proclaiming good things to come -- and it's only the beginning.

pastor shared about studies today.. was serving at the camera, can't remember much. the gist of it goes:
  • study from a position of grace - where you know that Jesus death has paid for everything and that you are given the grace and favour to tackle the exams
  • stuff about fear
  • [i can't remember!!! no chance to take notes... no verses either. there was a lot about daniel(?) and wisdom]
  • and an exam tip => study in cycles of 7 (number of perfection). God rested on the 7th day - so on the 7th hour/ 7th day, commit all that you have done to God, trust that you remember it and go rest!

on another note... did SAT II today... bio chem math. AND THEY ARE OVER!! YAY! heh. did bio mcq in 30 min and wondered for the next 30 min why i managed to finish 80 qus in that amount of time

thank You God for my nice slack day =). now. motivation. mug.

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