Saturday, March 22, 2008

been there done that...

seems like posting in the wee hours of the morning is becoming a fad =S

i was thinking about this in the shower earlier..
but when i came back from it i found esther online and talked to her instead of rushing out a post
and then was late for worship prac oops.

here's a thought.

if you've never felt loss...
how could you comfort someone facing it?
if you've never felt pain...
how can you bring comfort? 'i know how it feels'.. no you don't.

what is this thing that empathy is made of...?
the 'been there done that'?

God forbid that people experience the 'been there done that' that i have...
and yet i realise... there and doing that... that the only people who would understand. who could understand, would be those who have experienced it first hand.
and the only way i'd open up about something... would be to have the gut feeling that the person would know what i was talking about and wouldn't think i was crazy
maybe it's something in the eyes - a sense of 'age' and understanding... and acceptance


i always say that... without the bad we don't appreciate the good.
if adam and eve didn't make the 'bad choice' in the garden... they probably didn't appreciate the good that they had until they lost it.

but here it is.
perhaps it's not just for appreciating the goodness of God
perhaps... all that i've been through
was for a 'been there done that'... to understand and reach out to others
to know the bad in order to point to the good
to say 'look my life was shit too.. but... ' and point to Jesus
perhaps for a simple 'i understand'
showing Daddy's heart... Daddy's love...

and i guess that's why Jesus came down fully man
so that we know we have a saviour who has 'been there done that'
who understands.

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