Tuesday, August 26, 2008

strange feeling

standing on the other side of the freshers camp as a volunteer - talking randomly to people/ running a game... standing around and being dao... barbecueing madly... chatting about school and books and stuff...

realising i have changed - where previously i would be horrified by the innuendo and carefree attitudes, i find now that i simply listen and take it as normal. staying out... accounting, paying my bills have become little things (priviliges?) i take for granted.


wondering whether someone really hates me... =S


watching a parody of life as people took pleasure from the drinking game - happy... excited...
wondering whether they knew any other, or if that was simply it.
realising that what i've been doing is something akin to that, an attempt at an approximation of joy in an endless slew of activities... forgetting that joy resides in me... facing the supreme emptiness when left alone... then repeating the cycle in an attempt at eradicating that feeling


supreme emoness - ehehe =P

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