Monday, February 02, 2009

'snowstorm' in london

my heart is linked waay too much with the weather.

it's been snowing in london since last night - freak weather...
and the snow actually set so it's rather surreal... white london for chinese new year. heh. you see big grown people playing with snow on the streets too 0_o

my thoughts are flying around in my head... so much so that i can't concentrate on work. ugh. since last night. it's like the snow... blowing around, entering my consciousness... sticking where it isn't supposed to... melting and making a mess... not to mention the skies are grey and cloudy.

meh. do work ms kam.
you've got an essay due on friday... and a ton of other things to do

Daddy help =( i'm tired and panicking and the current situation scares and pains me. that and i really need to be able to sleep properly w/o waking up when the sun rises *growl*

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