Thursday, September 24, 2009

perfect people

i had a nice chat yesterday with a friend over supper... and we were swapping 'life-stories' about how God has worked in our lives. and this dawned on me --

we humans pursue perfection...

we admire the 'pro's in their various fields wondering why we may never be like them - and we seem to realise that we fail miserably most of the time, being simply unable to reach the 'perfection' we desire...

then there seems to be two kinds of people in the world --
a) those who act out (extroverts maybe?) and start trying everything and anything in the hope that through 'that something' they'd achieve the happiness they perceive the 'perfect people' achieve
b) those who give up (introverts?) and take it out on themselves - thinking that there's no way to get the happiness of 'perfect people'

but hey no one's perfect.
so what is this 'perfection' that we all strive for?

i think it's there simply because of God - the God that people don't seem to want to acknowledge.

we were created in His image, the very image of perfection... and covered by His perfect grace and favour. and then our dear adam ate that fruit -.-" and we obtained the concept of 'getting what you deserve'... only that it's root is probably 'being perfect gives happiness' and true perfection can only be found in Him - in Jesus' perfect finished work on the cross.

oh yeah... i left out a group of people... the 'self made' ones who haven't realised that no amount of effort to be ' almost perfect' would put them in the desired state of happiness.

seek ye first the kingdom of God huh.

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