Wednesday, December 02, 2009


in stats... it's finding the best-fit line among a bunch of scatterpoints such that the sum of squares (from the line to each point) is minimised. and there are a bunch of ways to do it - but let's not go there.

in my life.. i suspect it's the act of going back to singapore.

which is a bit strange... cos singapore is home right? but i seem to shrink down into i-am-small-worthless-cannot-do-anything-for-myself mode and stop doing things... challenging myself etc etc. if that's not regression what is? haha.

well that's what's been happening in the two summers past. in all the going home and finding that i don't really fit into 'home' or the idea of it -- and trying to squeeze back into the box that makes all of us singaporean. hum. london lets the 'me' in me out... which makes me wonder whether i'll be able to keep that me even after going back to singapore for good. (graduation-blues... haha oops)

Lord... can you make me not-regress...? to not be bound by all the 'i cannot' and 'circumstances cannot' but to live only bound by You...

1 comment:

Ae said...

both cities are definitely different in atmosphere, but you're in control!