so. bible study today. last one too. this is something... you HAVE to get the tape/ cd for. seriously. i'm blessed. and it's so much stuff that it's not possible to blog it... (Definately Word In Season for me)
anyhow... in the spirit of randomness... i saw something cool the other day... tuesday i think, and wanted to mention it but forgot. so i was reminded today when pastor was saying 'you don't need to wait for this Great Sign from Heaven'
i saw this white line of cloud... stretching from one big cloud to another... and completely cloudless sky in between. it wasn't the scattered kind of thing you get when jet planes fly formations... but it was CLOUD... and it was parallel to the road. so i cross the road to get to the bus stop... and in doing that i crossed that line. and it was so cool! it was like crossing a line drawn in heaven... like stepping out - to do Something haha. maybe it's just my imagination eh. lol.
when i reached the bus stop across the road... it was gone.
okay okay the real intention of this post is to... put up embarassing photos of myself... where is my self respect? and GREEN omg.

hullo i don't know how to wear this headband thingy

like getting your ears dug by a friend?
actually... more like 'SEE' right?
lol... i think the shirt says it all... mad. absolutely.
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