Monday, December 10, 2007

somthing you don't really want to know

the wax that has been rattling in my ear finally came out today! gross.

[ok that was just stupid hehe.]


i'm back to normal... sort of. i don't think problems have been resolved... but at least on my part i've resolved to lean on Him. not flailing around anymore. but that doesn't mean the pain has gone away...

bah. relationships are complicated... i so agree with Paul:

But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am (haha. ie. single.); but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
~1 Corinthians 7:8-9

you know what they say on library books: take good care of me, i am only a book.
i say: take care not to break me, i am only human.

i'm reminded of somth someone said once... we humans look for sources of error.
if you're not wrong... then i'm wrong... and i don't want to believe that - so i'm angry/ bitter/ whatever
or with my kind of personality you'd get guilt - maybe i've done something wrong... i probably have...

but neither work... and neither help in any situation.

God i trust in You to resolve it. i choose to believe that You are the author and finisher of all things. if there is something wrong, Lord You do a work, correct me, transform me from the inside out... or if it isn't me, Lord shed light on the situation - be the transformation.

and let it go.

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