Wednesday, July 02, 2008

what have i been doing

yeah indeed. what have i been doing since coming home...?

1. waking up late - my sleeping time has gone to normal but my waking up hasn't =S if i wake up at 10am i feel like i haven't slept... and so i've been waking up at 2pm (half my day gone 0_o)
2. working for parents and typing stuff and marking stuff
check this out: 'a square peg in a round hole = impossible' when they're supposed to write down the meaning of the idiom. LOL. it makes perfect sense though XD
3. hanging out with people... surprisingly not that much =S haha but i guess tt's cos there's like 2 mths more and people are in ns and stuff

not very interesting to blog about... so pardon the lack of posts =P

i've also not touched my guitar although i've been meaning to..
nor gone to HSBC... nor paid my phone bill (oh crap. must do tmr)
nor called UCL (i dun wanna know actually =P but MOE does)
and i'm too lazy to blog about italy... so must wait till i'm inspired... and facebook stops fighting me over uploads

but i have a video to edit now =D which makes up for not doing all i've intended to do =)

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