Tuesday, March 27, 2007

have you ever wondered

how impossibly young you are compared to God?

i was just thinking that as children of God... we're so impossibly small compared to Him... completely ignorant compared to Him (well if we knew just a fraction of what He knows, we'd probably go insane... heck... some people are insane, condemned by the knowledge of good and evil that man was not built to have)

we sing "He's got the whole world in His hands" as little kids... do we understand that kids song?

if my Daddy God is so big... how come i'm always still trying to do things my way?

pastor joshua was giving an illustration of the magnitude of grace on sunday.
God's grace justly given through Jesus' sacrifice is so all-encompassing... let's call it infinity
take the infinity of grace and subtract one sin... you get infinity
take the infinity of grace and subtract one year's worth of sin... you get infinity
take the infinity of grace and subtract your life's sin... you get infinity

can you imagine that infinite amount of patience? just waiting for you to realise what you're doing wrong and forgiving you all that time. and waiting... just waiting for you to realise that He's there and He's bigger than all your troubles... waiting for you to realise how BIG and how GOOD He is... wiating for you to give everything to Him so that He can do Mighty Wonders.

time to let go, let God
and believe that God will do good things big time

no one said that would be easy...
me human... me like to cling to my fears
me human... me very very small
me a child of God... me victorious, me free.

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